Cuscuta - Wikipedia
Cuscuta (/ kʌsˈkjuːtə /), commonly known as dodder or amarbel, is a genus of over 201 species of yellow, orange, or red (rarely green) parasitic plants.
Dodder | Description, Parasitism, & Facts | Britannica
dodder, (genus Cuscuta), genus of about 145 species of leafless, twining, parasitic plants in the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae). They are widely distributed throughout the temperate …
Five-angled Dodder - US Forest Service
Five-angled dodder (Cuscuta pentagona) is one of approximately 50 native and introduced dodder species found in North America. It ranges over much of the continent and occurs in all …
Cuscuta - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 8, 2018 · Cuscuta is the name of a group of plants in the morning glory family, of which the species Cuscuta epithymum is most commonly used in healing. A member of the Cuscutaceae …
Dodder, Cuscuta spp. - Wisconsin Horticulture
Dodder is a group of ectoparasitic plants with about 150 species in a single genus, Cuscuta, in the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) or Cuscutaceae, depending on the classification …
Cuscuta - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cuscuta is the only parasitic genus in the family Convolvulaceae, and includes approximately 200 species distributed throughout all temperate and tropical areas, with the majority (ca. 75%) …
Cuscuta campestris - Wikipedia
Cuscuta campestris, with the common names field dodder, golden dodder, large-seeded alfalfa dodder, yellow dodder and prairie dodder, is a parasitic plant which belongs to the family …
Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris) - Illinois Wildflowers
Range & Habitat: Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris) is occasional throughout Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is native. Field Dodder is one of the more common Dodder species …
Fact sheet - Cuscuta (Dodder) - parasitic plant (426) - Lucidcentral
It is a member of the Convolvulaceae family. There are many other species recognised; important ones being Cuscuta pentagona in the US, and Cuscuta europaea in Europe. Widespread. …
Cuscuta campestris (field dodder) | CABI Compendium - CABI …
Mar 10, 2008 · The name Cuscutacampestris was created by Yuncker in 1932, for the plant commonly known as Cuscutaarvensis. The latter name was regarded as unsatisfactory as it …