Brosme - Wikipedia
The cusk (Brosme brosme) is a North Atlantic cod -like fish in the ling family Lotidae. It is the only species in the genus Brosme. [1] . Its other common names include European cusk, and …
Cusk: Species Information: Fisheries: Fish & Wildlife: Maine Dept …
Cusk. Common Name: Cusk. Other Names: Burbot, Lawyer Fish (Great Lake states), Freshwater Cod . Scientific Name: Lota lota . Origin: Native . Adult Size: Sexual maturity is usually …
Cusk Fishing in NH | State of New Hampshire Fish and Game
The average New Hampshire cusk is 1.5 to 3 pounds in size, with 4-6 pound fish considered “nice” specimens. However, cusk in the 7-9 pound range are taken annually. Many cusk just …
Cusk: An Under Appreciated Whitefish • Harbor Fish Market
Jun 21, 2018 · Cusk are a bottom-feeding fish, found as deep as 500 fathoms below the surface. Market size cusk are typically 2 to 3 pounds. Cusk has a firmer texture than cod, with a mild, …
Cusk - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The cusk or tusk (Brosme brosme) is a North Atlantic cod-like fish in the ling family Lotidae. It is the only species in the genus Brosme. Its other common names include European cusk, and …
Cusk - Maine Saltwater Fishing
Cusk (Brosme brosme) Family Gadidae, Cods Common name: cusk. Description: Cusk are dark slate to red brown above with yellowish sides and a dirty white underbody. They have an …
Maine Seafood Guide - Cusk - Cusk - Maine Sea Grant
It is a slender fish with a single long, thick dorsal fin and pectoral fins edged in black. Cusk varies in color depending on its habitat. Sluggish and weak swimmers, cusk stay near hard sea …
Cusk - SeafoodSource
Jan 23, 2014 · Cusk is a bottom-feeding fish, found as deep as 500 fathoms. Because cusk don’t school, most are caught by trawl as a bycatch of more highly valued species like haddock and …
Cusk | Deep-Sea, Bottom-Dwelling, Benthic | Britannica
Cusk, (Brosme brosme), long-bodied food fish of the cod family, Gadidae, found along the ocean bottom in deep offshore waters on either side of the North Atlantic. The cusk is a small-scaled …
Cusk - State of New Hampshire Fish and Game
Common Names: tusk, torsik. The cusk, often caught incidentally by groundfish anglers, inhabits deep Atlantic waters with rocky bottoms. Dorsal and anal fins extend the length of the body …