6 Colores Diamant Grandé - DMC
Este surtido contiene 6 tonos del hilo Diamant Grandé de DMC. Diamant Grandé tiene el doble de grosor the nuestro hilo de bordado best seller Diamant. Este hilo metalizado no divisible de 6 …
The Lucky Bundle - DMC
DMC Light Effects Thread glimmers with a metallic shimmer. It's made from 100% polyester fibers and will give your project a gorgeous twinkle. Use it on its own or combine it with a strand of …
Stitch People, Cookies For Santa - DMC
DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss, made from long staple cotton and double mercerized for a brilliant sheen, is the most recommended floss in the world. This premium thread is made up of six …
Craft connects us to culture and community across generations, helping us express our unique identity. It connects us to present, past and future generations.
Garne zum Sticken - DMC
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What Makes DMC Special? About DMC; 125 Years of Mouliné Spécial; ... 910 272 605 [email ...
Cosa rende DMC così speciale? Scopri DMC; 125 anni del Mouliné Spécial; Lasciati ispirare
Parece la receta perfecta para los aficionados a las manualidades pero, afortunadamente, es una recomendación real de la doctora Anne Kirketerp, psicóloga especializada en manualidades.
Patterns - DMC
Patterns. We've made it easy for you to start your next project. First pick your pattern, then use the 'Make it a Kit' tab to add the pre-calculated shades and quantities of thread you'll need to …