DMC 917 Six Strand Floss - 123Stitch
Ultra Light Plum DMC floss. This quality embroidery floss is perfect for stitching on all types of fabric. Made with 100% long staple cotton. Double mercerized. Brilliant six-strand divisible …
- Reviews: 5
DMC 917 Medium Plum - 6 Strand Embroidery Floss - Shabby …
DMC embroidery floss is ideal for stitching on all types of fabric. This superior quality thread is made from 100% long staple Egyptian cotton and double mercerized for a brilliant sheen. Ideal …
DMC 917 Medium Plum 6 Strand Embroidery Floss
DMC 917 Medium Plum 6 Strand Embroidery Floss DMC #117UA-917 8.7 yards of DMC 6-strand 100% Egyptian cotton cross stitch and embroidery floss List Price: $1.05
- Reviews: 1
DMC 917 Cotton Embroidery Floss - Stitched Modern
This color is DMC #917 Plum - Medium. Made from 100% long staple Egyptian cotton and double mercerized for a brilliant sheen, it is comprised of six strands that can be easily separated, …
DMC 917 Six Strand Floss - 123Stitch
DMC 917 Six Strand Floss. Medium Plum DMC floss. This quality embroidery floss is perfect for stitching on all types of fabric. Made with 100% long staple cotto
- Reviews: 5
DMC # 917 Medium Plum Floss / Thread - CrossStitchWorld
Genuine DMC 100% cotton embroidery floss. Each skein is 8.7 yards (8 meters) of 6-strand thread. This floss is perfect for cross stitch, needlepoint, gallery crewel, embroidery and other …
MD Plum #917 - Colonial Patterns, Inc.
DMC Embroidery Floss is an easily divisible six(6) strand stitching thread made from a soft 100% Egyptian cotton. This superior quality thread has been double mercerized to give it a brilliant …
DMC 6 Strand Floss - 123Stitch
DMC Floss is the quality thread for stitching on all types of fabric. Made with 100% long staple cotton. Double mercerized. Brilliant six-strand divisible thread. Colors are washable and fade …
DMC 917 Medium Plum - Six Strand Embroidery Cotton 8.7 Yards
DMC-Six-Strand Embroidery Cotton. A brilliant, six-strand floss made from double mercerized, long staple 100% cotton fibers. Imported.
DMC 917 Embroidery Floss – Sewfinity
DMC 917 Medium Plum six-strand 100% cotton embroidery floss. Skein of 8.7 yards.