How to make a Skalisty Island base viable. : r/dayz - Reddit
Mar 28, 2022 · I like living on Skalisty. I was teamed up with two guys who were big into base-building, but after a couple months they left the my server, the base got raided, and fell into disrepair. The final two walls left standing were wiped out by the 1.17 server reset. Anyway, I'm back on Skalisty, going to teach my son to survive.
How do i respawn at base? : r/dayz - Reddit
Jul 4, 2022 · Hey there, just wondering how i respawn at my base if i were to make one I have played a lot of rust so im used to placing a sleeping bag as a spawn point.
Base Locations. : r/dayz - Reddit
Jul 12, 2021 · Nova Petrovka, on the east side of the town, there's a small industrial area facing south to a field across from the church, if you were to cut through the field you'd head into Bashnya military and NWAF, but back at the industrial is a large building, large doors on front as the only entrance, ladder that leads to catwalk, catwalk leads to what I call a weapons cage, there's steps that are in ...
Unraidable Basebuilding - General Discussion - DayZ Forums
Apr 6, 2020 · Thankfully the massive map of Chernarus lends for different playstyles without it being too obtrusive. Dunno if you ever played Miscreated. That game had a decent balancing for base raiding but suffered from ugly looking bases everywhere on the map. It really took away the immersion. Last time I constructed a base in Dayz was back with 1.01.
Whats the best server for base building? : r/dayz - Reddit
We run simple base mod alongside all the vanilla base building already in the game which allows for tons of customization. We enforce no limits on base size or location (other than blocking military loot spawns) and we encourage people to build away! We have over 15,000 hours of DayZ experience on our staff team and we are huge into base building.
The best base spots in Chernarus - DayZ Forums
Jun 28, 2014 · well, the best overwatch spots to build your base on that are close to the coast is the solnichy quarry (the big cliff beside the city), pusta's mountain, barn north of power plant, etc. In the end it's all about finding the place that suits more your playstile.
Where to find base building mods and how to install them? : …
Mar 8, 2022 · What is the best mod for base building (high loot, frequent respawn of loot, higher personal storage capacity etc) How do I install it (I am on PC using Steam, DayZ standalone V1.16) suggestions on private servers (I am based on Sydney Australia) I'd also love to get a car working for the first time. thank you!!!
Base Raiding : r/dayz - Reddit
Mar 10, 2021 · On offical its gonna take alot of bullets to shoot a gate/wall down. but only about 4 grenades. IMO you should build alteast 3-5 GATES so its a royal pain in the ass to raid, raiding on official is really time consuming so you should be in the clear.
How to disable Base and Car Despawn? : r/dayz - Reddit
Sep 23, 2023 · Me and my brother play on an private modded DayZ Server and we currently have the problem that our Cars despawn and now parts of our base have despawned as well. We changed the lifetime for the cars in the types file to prevent them from despawning which worked for some cars but not for all. Also our base despawned. At least some parts of it.
Expansion builds despawning - General Discussion - DayZ Forums
Oct 13, 2024 · I host a local server and i have expansion bundle installed on namalsk and when I try to build with the expansion building it despawns after i go 100m away. i have a territory kit up and a territory made but it doesnt show the flag icon on the builds. it shows up on vanilla stuff though. Im new t...