Deer Guts % - HuntingNet.com Forums
Oct 24, 2003 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Deer Guts % - Can anyone tell me what percentage of a deer is his guts. I shot a deer in Ga. last night and the 8 pt dressed at 165 exactly what is his live wt? I have heard 35% but dont know would love some feed back. Tks and Good Huntn 165 x 35% = 222 live wt. very large for Georgia
coyote trap with deer guts - Graybeard Outdoors
Jul 7, 2009 · One can utilize large baits like deer guts by setting way out around the perimeter. Many coyotes in my area are wary of large baits and will circle around the area for a few days and will come upon the sets as they are circleing. I have …
do deer guts ruin a hunting spot? - HuntingNet.com Forums
Oct 15, 2007 · Usually when we gut deer, we like to go off to the side where the guts are out of the way and we will just leave them there. After we are done gutting the deer, we will put a trail cam over the remains to see what cool pics of predator animals we can get. Uusally get several pics of deer coming to investigate the smell as well.
Field Dressing Questions-Gut shots - HuntingNet.com Forums
Dec 3, 2021 · Get the deer gutted properly and get t to a place you can wash it out as soon as possible, it will be ok. So far as the colon goes, you can cut around the anus then squeeze out the pellets and tie the colon off on the inside and pull it back and roll it out with the rest of the guts, or you can split the pelvis with a hatchet or saw on the center line of …
do deer guts ruin a hunting spot? - HuntingNet.com Forums
Oct 16, 2007 · RE: do deer guts ruin a hunting spot? LAst year I shot a doe, drug her 200 yards in fear of this same question, dressed her out around 8pm, got home at 9pm, went out the next morning at 430am and the entire pile was gone in that short of time, I was amazed, and from now on, I won't kill myself dragging a un-dressed that far after seeing that.
Smell after gutting a deer or any other animal - HuntingNet.Com
Nov 2, 2010 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Smell after gutting a deer or any other animal - As I sit here in deer camp with 6 of my other deer hunting counterparts and fellow workers, a "Comment" came from one fellow who took a nice doe this afternoon. Does anyone other than us in our camp seem to notice that after cleaning/gut
Gut shots safe to eat? - HuntingNet.com Forums
Nov 3, 2011 · Don't let the contents from the intestines soak into the meat, and you won't have any problems. Basically, gut your deer as soon as you can, and you lessen the likelihood of any potential problems. I've eaten many deer that were gut shot over the years. The worst ones required us to forego the inside tenderloins, but the rest of the meat was fine.
Deers Reaction to Deer Guts - HuntingNet.com Forums
Oct 12, 2008 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Deers Reaction to Deer Guts - I've gone back to sit in my "hot spot" the day after gun opener and have seen deer (both does) approach a gut pile in passing and act like it was not even there.But Ihave also seen a few over the years that will sniff it out and high tail it back the
Is meat safe if the gut is busted? - HuntingNet.com Forums
Nov 19, 2002 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Is meat safe if the gut is busted? - Is it safe to eat the meat of a deer if it was "gut shot"? What if you pop the stomach while field dressing?
Deers Reaction to Deer Guts - HuntingNet.com Forums
Oct 12, 2008 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Deers Reaction to Deer Guts - A deer was gutted near one of my stands...i hunted it tonight, I didnt see one deer??