Aboriginal Culture: A Look At The Traditions Of The Dene First …
Jun 26, 2019 · The Dene have lived in arctic and boreal regions across the north for over 4,000 years. During this time, they’ve turned a frozen desert into a cultural paradise — even during the dead of winter — with their traditional music, games and food.
1,000-Year-Old Indigenous Food Cache Found In Alaska - All …
Feb 12, 2025 · Military officials recently announced the discovery of a 1,000-year-old Indigenous food cache near a narrow stretch of the Gulf of Alaska in 2024. The cache was located along a well-known trail long used by local native groups that extends northward out …
(PDF) The nature of food: indigenous Dene foodways and ontologies …
Apr 13, 2015 · Dene responses to caribou decline can best be understood by ontological theories of an expanded notion of indigenous personhood. However, I argue these theories are inadequate without an...
1,000-year-old cache pit unearthed in Alaska reveals ancient Dene food ...
Feb 10, 2025 · 1,000-year-old cache pit unearthed in Alaska reveals ancient Dene food storage methods. A food storage pit dating back nearly 1,000 years has been discovered on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson...
Dietary Intakes of Traditional Foods for Dene/Métis in the Dehcho …
Dene First Nations communities in the Dehcho and Sahtú regions of the NWT participated in the Mackenzie Valley project to study the links between nutrition, traditional foods, and contaminant exposure.
1,000-Year-Old Secret Uncovered in Alaska - The Western Journal
Feb 7, 2025 · Long before there was a refrigerator in Alaska, its indigenous people knew how to preserve food using what nature provided. Last June, a team led by an archaeologist at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson found a cache pit where the Dene people stored food to be consumed later, according to the Smithsonian .
Dene - epe.lac-bac.gc.ca
FOOD AND ECONOMY. The mainstay of the Dene economy was the caribou. It was the main source of food and also provided materials for clothing, tools and housing. Other animals were hunted, too, like the moose, the musk-ox and rabbit. Fishing supplemented the diet.
The Nature of Food: Indigenous Dene Foodways and Ontologies …
Feb 1, 2016 · Dene responses to caribou decline can best be understood by ontological theories of an expanded notion of indigenous personhood. However, I argue these theories are inadequate without an attention to foodways, specifically the getting, …
Athabascan Winter Studies - ANE Kindergarten Unit
Aug 17, 2006 · Discuss the reasons for trying to adapt to the interior winter by developing ways to make food last all winter. Activity: (guided practice) Students will make imitation whole and dried fish, one method that is prepared for storage in a food cache used by the Dene'.
Facts for Kids: Dene Tribe (Chipewyan) - bigorrin.org
What was Dene food like in the days before supermarkets? The Dene Indians were hunting people. Dene men hunted caribou, moose, and small game, and caught salmon and other fish in the rivers. Dene women gathered roots, berries, and other plants. Here is a website with more information about traditional Native American food.