How does deprotonation works? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Nov 29, 2021 · By the way, "deprotonation" doesn't necessarily imply just breaking a C–H bond; it really only says that "a proton is lost". In this case, the proton is lost, and a double bond is …
How to find the deprotonation percentage of an acid?
Dec 17, 2022 · A deprotonation percentage entails determining... well, what percentage of your initial acid exists as the deprotonated form ($\ce{[A-]}$). When it comes to any problem of …
De-/protonation of R-OH group by acids and bases
Oct 7, 2014 · Remember that acid-base reactions are equilibria, so if your pKa is say, 16.2, only a slight deprotonation will occur. $\endgroup$ – chipbuster Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 7:32
Alkane deprotonation by organolithiums - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Feb 26, 2016 · Is the deprotonation of phenol exothermic? 5. Regioselectivity of deprotonation of 1,4-dicarbonyl. 3.
acid base - Successive deprotonation - Chemistry Stack Exchange
May 11, 2023 · Citric acid represents a surprising example of medium-dependent deprotonation. Ordinarily this acid, $\ce{H3C6H5O7}$, has three dissociable hydrogen atoms from its …
Deprotonated form of phenolphthalein - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jan 17, 2020 · In thymol blue, the second deprotonation gives a phenolate which more certainly conjugates with the quinone, establishing a larger conjugated system, thus highly colored. …
Calculation of partial charges and protonation/deprotonation …
Mar 15, 2013 · $\begingroup$ What are partial charges, really? The charge of your molecule is 0 when protonated or -1 when deprotonated (that's for phenol; +1 and 0, correspondingly, for …
Why is this reaction deprotonated with CH3OH? [closed]
Pka of water is 15.7 Pka of methanol is 16. In the end, methanol should be protonated somehow. But the truth is, in solution both water and methanol could theoretically donated the proton in …
organic chemistry - Peculiar deprotonation of an alkenyl proton ...
May 1, 2020 · That deprotonation relies on chelation of the carbonyl oxygen to lithium (via a cyclic transition state*), so goes for the proton nearer to the carbonyl. That would be the "kinetic …
acid base - Is the deprotonation of phenol exothermic?
Jun 29, 2016 · In case of phenol, dissociation in vacuum is definitely endothermic. Dissociation in water is also endothermic, since the dissociation constant is small. (1) However, deprotonation …