Dextrin - Encyclopedia.com
May 18, 2018 · dextrin (chem.) gummy substance into which starch is converted at high temperatures, having the property of turning the plane of polarization to the right, whence its …
limit dextrin | Encyclopedia.com
limit dextrin When a branched polysaccharide such as glycogen or amylopectin is hydrolysed enzymically, glucose units are removed one at a time until a branch point is reached. The …
dextrose equivalent value | Encyclopedia.com
dextrose equivalent value (DE) A term used to indicate the degree of hydrolysis of starch into glucose syrup. It is the percentage of the total solids that have been converted to reducing …
Dextroamphetamine - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · DEXTROAMPHETAMINE This is the d -isomer of Amphetamine. It is classified as a Psy-Chomotor Stimulant drug and is three to four times as potent as the l -isomer in eliciting …
dextrins | Encyclopedia.com
dextrins A mixture of soluble compounds formed by the partial breakdown of starch by heat, acid or enzymes (amylases).
Limited Government | Encyclopedia.com
LIMITED GOVERNMENTThe idea of limited government is closely associated with political thinkers, mostly of medieval and modern periods, who placed special emphasis on preventing …
The Natural History of Rice - Encyclopedia.com
Fresh harvested rice grains contain about 80 percent carbohydrates, including starch, glucose, sucrose, dextrin, fructose, galactose, and raffinose. Polished rice grains have an insufficient …
Limit - Encyclopedia.com
May 18, 2018 · Limit. In mathematics the concept of limit formally expresses the notion of arbitrary closeness. That is, a limit is a value that a variable quantity approaches as closely as one …