DC3 is designated by DFARS 252-204-7012 as the DoD focal point for receiving initial DIB cyber incident reports. PGI 204.73 requires DC3 to provide a copy of the mandatory incident report to contracting officer(s) for potentially impacted contracts identified in the report.
Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Portal
The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Portal is the DoD's network for online incident reporting and access to DCISE threat products. Find out more about how to apply to the DoD-DIB CS Program and how to report cyber incidents.
• DC3 DCISE is your point of contact for submitting malware and/or other relevant files to the DC3 Cyber Forensics Laboratory (CFL) for a quick triage or an in-depth examination—for free • Can be submitted as part of a Voluntary or Mandatory ICF submission
Oct 4, 2019 · For those DIB organizations charged with implementing the security requirements outlined in NIST SP 800-171, this Guide highlights the linkages between implementing the Framework and accomplishing the NIST SP 800-171 security requirements.
—Cory C, DIB CS Partner “The CRA was completed last month and we had the review of the report today. It was very helpful in getting a feel for where we are in compliance with NIST SP 800-171, how we do with regards to the Cyber Security Framework, and helping prepare for CMMC.” —Frank K, DIB CS Partner
cybersecurity posture and operational resilience and to help the DIB protect DoD information that resides on and transits DIB information systems. DoD provides free cybersecurity services and information to DIB organizations.