Dicamba 4L DMA | ADAMA
4 days ago · Dicamba 4L DMA provides effective broadleaf weed and brush control when properly applied. It is a water-soluble formulation that can be applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as the carrier to control a variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
Dicamba 4L DMA is a selective pre- and postemergence herbicide for control of important broadleaf weeds infesting a range of crops including corn, sorghum, small grains and cotton.
Dicamba 4L DMA • For weed control in sorghum, wheat, corn, soybeans, cotton and more • Powerful mode of action • Wider application windows • Helps to fight herbicide resistance • Trusted weed control • Group 4 herbicides Dicamba 2,4-D + DMA
Sep 14, 2022 · Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Dicamba 4L DMA and other Group 4 herbicides. Weed species with acquired resistance to Group 4 may eventually dominate the weed
Selective Broadleaf Weed Control in Turf Grasses Including Use on Golf Courses and Sod Farms to Control Clover, Dandelion, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onion, and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds. Also for Highways, Rights-of-Way, and Other Similar Non-Crop Areas as Listed on This Label. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: WT. BY %
DICAMBA DMA SALT is a water-soluble formulation that can be applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as the carrier. If a fluid fertil- izer is to be used, a compatibility test (see COMPATIBILITY TEST below) should be made prior to tank mixing.
Dicamba 4L DMA | FBN
Dicamba 4L DMA. Product label. Compare Similar Products. Dicamba 4L DMA. ADAMA. Dicamba 4L DMA. Not Sold. Disha DMA. Sharda USA LLC. Disha DMA. This product is used for comparison purposes only and not available for purchase on FBN. FBN PRICE. $8,564.80 ($32.32/gal) CASH PRICE.
Labels for Dicamba 4L DMA (66222-301) | US EPA
See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected.
Greenway Turf Solutions | Turf Protection | Herbicides | Adama
A selective herbicide with dual modes of action that controls Sedges and Broadleaf Weeds. Active Constituent: 192g/L Bentazone, 112g/L MCPA + 19g/L Dicamba. Rate: 6L-20L/Ha. Pack Size: 10L. Controls: Bindii (Dwarf Jo-Jo), Chickweed, Clover, Creeping Oxalis, Cudweed, Dandelion, Dock, Flatweeds, Fleabane, Lambs Tongue, Mullumbimby Couch, Sowthistle.
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Safety Data Sheet
In soils, dicamba dissipates more quickly by microbial degradation in aerobic environments, with a half-life typically ranging from 14 to 28 days. Dicamba is more persistent in anaerobic environments with a half-life of 141 days.