Dicamba - Wikipedia
Dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) is a selective systemic herbicide first registered in 1967. [4] Brand names for formulations of this herbicide include Dianat, Banvel, Diablo, Oracle and Vanquish. This chemical compound is a chlorinated derivative of o-anisic acid. [5]
Dicamba | US EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Feb 27, 2025 · Dicamba has been used as a pesticide since 1967 in both agricultural and non-agricultural areas: The largest agricultural markets for dicamba in terms of total pounds of active ingredient include corn, cotton, fallow, pasture, sorghum, soybeans, sugarcane and wheat crops.
Dicamba Fact Sheet - NPIC
Dicamba is a selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family of chemicals. It comes in several salt formulations and an acid formulation. These forms of dicamba have different properties in the environment.
Aug 23, 2005 · Dicamba-D herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for controlling a wide spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weds and brush in grass forages and selected row crops.
Dicamba | C8H6Cl2O3 | CID 3030 - PubChem
Dicamba | C8H6Cl2O3 | CID 3030 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
10 things to know about dicamba - Farm Progress
Jan 31, 2018 · Dicamba is a selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family of chemicals that controls or suppresses only broadleaf plants, but will leave grass weeds and plants alone. This is unlike glyphosate that is nonselective and controls plants regardless of the species.
EPA Provides Update on Over-the-Top Uses of Dicamba
Feb 14, 2024 · Dicamba is an herbicide used to target broadleaf weeds in agricultural and non-agricultural settings. The herbicide is registered for use at specified stages in agricultural crop fields of corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, sugarcane, and other crops.
Explained: Dicamba and its formulations - University of Arkansas …
Nov 21, 2016 · Dicamba has been used as an herbicide to manage about 200 broadleaf weeds for about 50 years. It’s a Group 4, auxin-based herbicide that kills target plants by disrupting normal growth patterns. It is also a benzoic acid.
Pesticide Fact Sheet Dicamba - US EPA
Generic name: 3,6-dicbloro-o-anisic acid. Common name: Dicamba. Trade Names: Banvel, Banex, Brush Buster, Mediben, Velsicol 58-CS-ll. EPA Shaugnnessy Number: 029802. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number: 1918-00-9. Year of initial registration: 1967. Pesticide type: Herbicide. Chemical family: Benzoic acid.
Dicamba Technical Fact Sheet - NPIC
Dicamba is a selective herbicide used to control a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds and woody plants. It is registered for use in agriculture and other applications. 3. In agricultural applications, dicamba is registered for use on rye, asparagus, barley, corn, oats, soybeans, sugarcane and …