Dig Dug PCB revisions, ROM locations, ROM types, info here
Nov 16, 2020 · All ROM images are for Dig Dug Namco Atari license revision 1 ROMset. The label names, images and ROM types are exactly the same on both zips. Only the ROM locations are different. Note 1: PROMs are not included in these dumps. Note 2: ROM image 136007-115 does not match the current MAME ROMset (the other images match the …
Dig Dug resets after RAM OK ROM OK | Museum of the Game ...
May 14, 2017 · Just starting to fix a dig dug. Had ram errors that were fixed and now it gets as far as saying RAM OK ROM OK Then it instantly resets and does the self test again. From what I've read on this forum that means the main CPU plus the 2nd and 3rd CPUs are running or it would just reset at RAM OK.
List of known conversions through simple ROM swaps
Dec 28, 2009 · Killer Instinct II can be run on a Killer Instinct 1 board but not the other way around. Requires rom swap, HD swap and a HD interface pcb. So, not a simple rom swap but still only takes a couple minutes and its all plug and play. No need to list everything that will run on a pac board, we would need its own thread for that topic.
Dig Dug - ROM “B” error | Museum of the Game® & International …
Jun 15, 2010 · Hoping those of you who work on Dig Dug boards may have some suggestions on where I should look next for an oddball issue. Have a Dig Dug rev. B board I'm working on for a fellow local KLOV'er. Currently boots and stops with "RAM OK" and "ROM B". Boot Video Manual shows options for "ROM 1" through "ROM 7" - nothing about alphanumeric failures.
Dig Dug PCB Troubleshooting - Museum of the Game Forums
Oct 5, 2008 · Agreed. Heck, you can grab a GQ-4X for close to the same price as a complete rom set. Then you can verify those ROMs and burn any replacements you need yourself. The ROM sockets on those boards are notoriously bad. I had a lot of intermittent boot failures on my Dig Dug until I replaced those sockets.
Dig Dug Atari PCB - repair help - Museum of the Game Forums
Aug 4, 2013 · some RAM & ROM thoughts Thank you for the warm welcome, kb0jjn! I have searched far and wide on the internet, but i couldn't find the answer to my Dig Dug PCB woes. This seems like a great place to post a repair log to help out others with similar problems, and, of course, get some sage wisdom and advice myself.
Dig Dug speedup hack? - Museum of the Game Forums
Nov 27, 2008 · I was watching CGR's review of a Dig Dug arcade game and noticed right away that it has some sort of speedup hack in it. All sounds have a higher pitch and the whole game moves faster than the original. Anyone seen this? Google sucks on this one, can't find anything. Wondering if anyone knows about this and how it's done.
Weird Dig Dug Graphics issue | Museum of the Game®
Dec 9, 2021 · Picked up a Dig Dug last night that's in exceptional original condition with a nicely rebuilt monitor. Game played perfectly until I reached level 9, after which the lower 3 levels of "dirt" were black instead of their proper color. All other objects were correct (Dig Dug, Pooka, Frygar, rocks). All subsequent levels, same problem.
Atari (version B) Dig Dug RAM/ROM problem? | Museum of the …
Jun 3, 2007 · This Atari Dig Dug board is serial number 00020. It does not match the manual that I have. (TM-203 2nd printing) Test gives me the scrambled rug pattern, then a black screen. Coming out of Test does produce the cross hatch pattern. Attract mode has Dig Dug all in blue, Pooka's and Fygar's are...
dig dug rom error | Museum of the Game® & International …
Jan 20, 2011 · finally got my dig dug working by replacing the rectifier in the power supply. simple, yes, but for an amateur it took me quite a while to get that done with the help of someone who knows what they are doing. worked ok for two days about 15 minutes a day, now its displaying gibberish after...