Getting started with dip pens - The Fountain Pen Network
Jan 27, 2021 · Writing with a dip pen takes a little getting used to. The main thing is that you will need to train yourself to have a very light touch. And when I say "very" I really mean it! On the upstroke with a dip pen you will be touching the paper only enough that the capillary action from pen to the outer fibers of the paper will draw ink.
Really Old Dip Pen Nibs. How To Recognize Them, Where To Find …
Aug 31, 2017 · You can find some dip pen nibs from the 19th-century. There are only a couple of ways you can know you have a nib from that early period. 1. It was made by a company that went out of business before 1900 (like Washington Medallion Pen Co) 2. You find it in the box and the box has information, like an address, which dates it to an earlier period. 3.
(Victorian era) agate dip pen nibs? - Of Nibs & Tines - The …
Dec 21, 2024 · say base price of a pen is 10000 with tax 10% so retail is 10000+ 10000*{ 10/100} = 11000) so the tax component is only 1000 for 11000 retail price pen- which is 9.09% of retail price. For Europe it would come out to be 17.35% not 21off of retail).
Leroy W. Fairchild Dip Pen Info - The Fountain Pen Network
Nov 8, 2023 · I'm not really a dip pen collector, but I picked up this "Fairchild 8" at the flea market last summer. It is the largest gold dip pen I've ever seen. It is almost 8" long with an enormous Fairchild #8 nib. The taper is mother of pearl, and the holder also appears to be gold. It is presented in a beautiful maroon leather and velvet box.
How To Get Started With Dip Pens For Everyday Writing
Apr 4, 2018 · To be very frank, IMHO dip pen is just not for everyday writing, it was the pen of choice way back simply because that is the only technically possible mean of writing in a reliable fashion. Come today neither our life style, and living need, nor the environment exposed to the pen favor dip pen at all.
Dip Pen Nib Cleaning - Suggestions? - The Fountain Pen Network
Jul 9, 2015 · say base price of a pen is 10000 with tax 10% so retail is 10000+ 10000*{ 10/100} = 11000) so the tax component is only 1000 for 11000 retail price pen- which is 9.09% of retail price. For Europe it would come out to be 17.35% not 21off of retail).
Best Paper Weight For Dip Pens - Paper and Pen Paraphernalia
Aug 30, 2012 · In my opinion, it's not the weight of the paper but its composition that makes for good dip pen paper. I've use paper as light as onionskin, 9 lb., and as heavy as 32 lb. That said, I don't know what's exactly in the paper that works versus the paper that doesn't. Good dip pen paper allows for the best line variation.
Best Inks for Dip Pens? - The Fountain Pen Network
Feb 26, 2010 · Maybe it's odd, but just about the best behaving inks I've tried for a dip pen (including a couple Private Reserve and a couple Noodler's colors) are a black inkjet refill ink, which appears to be carbon particle based, and my homemade iron tannate ink (started with ten bags of Red Rose tea, a quart of boiling water, several steel wool balls, and a cup of battery acid -- really! -- though I've ...
Homemade Black Walnut Ink - The Fountain Pen Network
Nov 2, 2012 · To help celebrate Fountain Pen Day 2012, here are my two black walnut ink recipes (a cooked-down variation for dip pens, and a fermented cold-process one that can be used in some fountain pens as well as dip pens). This is the time of year that black walnuts are available. Often you can find people on Craigslist who give them away for free.
Dip pen problems. - Fountain & Dip Pens - First Stop - The …
Jun 5, 2007 · I just bought a NOS Eagle dip pen with a Palmer #5 med flexi nib (as I recall) from Pendemonium. When I dip the pen there is a bead of ink at the very bottom of the nib on the bottom side. When I try to write in cursive this bead will come off on the page before I finish the first word. If I use ...