Donkey Car
Donkey is an open source Self Driving Car Platform for remote control cars written in Python. It is developed for hobbyists and students with a focus on allowing fast experimentation and easy community contributions .
Build a car. - Donkey® Car
These are the standard build cars because they are mostly plug and play, both have a brushed motor which makes training easier, they handle rough driving surfaces well and are inexpensive. Here is a video overview of the different cars (Excluding the …
Donkeycar: a python self driving library - GitHub
Donkeycar is minimalist and modular self driving library for Python. It is developed for hobbyists and students with a focus on allowing fast experimentation and easy community contributions. It is being actively used at the high school and university level for learning and research.
Donkey Car S1 – Robocar Store
Donkey Car S1 is a pre-assembled, ready-to-use self driving car. It is one of the most popular self-driving projects used by academics, technology companies and research institutions. It is made for you to learn AI through a hands-on and engaging experience.
Autonomous cars for the rest of us
Everything you need to build your own self driving platform for small scale cars with RaspberryPi, Python and deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow. How to get involved: • Join us on the Donkeycar Discord channel or Discourse forum • Build a Donkeycar using RaspberryPi and neural networks
Donkey® Car - Home
Build your own toy car that can drive itself. Drive your car with your phone or laptop. Record images, steering angles & throttles. Train neural net pilots to drive your car on different tracks. Race your car in a DIY Robocars race.
Donkey Car 驴车
Donkey是一个用Python编写的开源自动驾驶车辆平台,用于遥控车辆。 它专为爱好者和学生开发,注重快速实验和简单的社区贡献。 它支持基于神经网络、计算机视觉和GPS的各种类型的自动驾驶系统。
Robocar Store
An open source DIY self driving platform for small scale cars. Built using a RC car, Raspberry Pi, and a camera. Written in Python and runs Tensorflow to drive itself.
Self-driving Donkey Car Training - Medium
Jun 12, 2022 · Donkey is a self-driving platform for remote control cars. The car has a front-mounted RGB camera that records as the car drives. While driving, it also records its current throttle and...
Amazon.com: AI Racing Robot Kit Donkey Car Starter Kit Powered …
Donkey Car is an open source self-driving platform for small cars, equipped with a camera and using Jetson Nano as the main control platform to support mobile APP through wireless remote control and real-time video transmission.
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