What “Dream Lover” D2 Dato Nina Durian Is Famous For
D2 Dato Nina is a officially registered durian that is slowly garnering a strong following. Even though it's current supply is not big enough to serve a mass market, it holds a lot of promise of hitting critical mass soon.
Top 20 Types Of Durian In Malaysia: A Comprehensive Guide
Dec 22, 2023 · 3. D2 Dato Nina. The D2 Dato Nina is a hidden gem known for its unique taste and texture. This variety offers a delightful experience for both new tasters and durian lovers. Code: D2. Origin: Melaka. Shape: Round to oblong. Spikes: Moderately sized. Flesh: Creamy and thick, pale yellow hue. Taste: Sweet with subtle bitterness. Seed: Medium ...
Durian D2 (Dato’ Nina) Varieti Kuno, Kualiti Tinggi!
Oct 25, 2024 · Durian D2 adalah varieti paling awal di daftarkan di Jabatan Pertanian iaitu selepas D1. Tahun pendaftarannya ialah pada tahun 1934 yakni 88 tahun lalu.
D2 - Durian D2 Dato' Nina - DurioTourism
Feb 25, 2019 · The above Graphic info is built to facilitate durian and durian enthusiasts to identify D2 Dato Nina durian varieties. Even so is still some of the still images that are still missing. If you have a picture that is still incomplete in the above infographics please donate via the following link: CLICK HERE
Double Feature: D18 and D2 (Dato Nina) Durians - sixthseal.com
Jul 13, 2015 · The D2 durian looks like a messy slop of pulp but nothing could be further from the truth. The seeds from this Dato Nina is shrunken and vestigial, which is why the durian flesh doesn’t “hold its shape” and flops around.
Durian Varieti D2 – Segalanya Tentang Tumbuhan…
Jul 31, 2021 · Durian Dato Nina (D2) adalah antara varieti durian yang paling awal didaftarkan iaitu pada tahun 1934. Durian yang berasal dari Melaka ini juga dikenali dengan nama durian Dato Nina. Buahnya sederhana besar, sedikit lonjong dan kulitnya berwarna hijau gangsa. Duri buah pendek, kulit yang nipis namun susah dibuka sekiranya buah baru gugur ...
Anim Agro Technology: DURIAN D2 (DATO NINA) - Blogger
Jul 28, 2012 · DURIAN VARIETI DATOK NINA (D2) merupakan salah satu varieti durian (Durio zibethinus) yang paling awal didaftarkan dan sederhana popular. Varieti ini telah didaftarkan kepada 'Variety National Listing' Jabatan Pertanian …
Durianlicious: D2 Durian - Blogger
Aug 23, 2013 · D2 Durian I must honestly admit, this durian never once appeal to me, as I seems to like it to D4, unworthy of the lost calories. But I was given a loser awakening call!
D2 Dato Nina, Dream Lover - Durianer
Probably the most famous durian cultivar originating from Malacca. The taste is very commonly described as “bitterness within the sweetness”.
Durian Susah Dikopek Pasti Berkualiti Baik? -Durian D2 (Dato’ Nina)
Nov 8, 2024 · Ketika membuka buku mengenai durian berdaftar di Malaysia, halaman pertama menunjukkan durian D2 yang didaftarkan dengan Jabatan Pertanian pada tarikh terawal iaitu tahun 1934. Inilah durian masih dalam ingatan kalian serta masih wujud di pasaran sehingga hari ini. Apakah maksudnya?
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