EBB Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of EBB is the reflux of the tide toward the sea. How to use ebb in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Ebb.
Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) Retrofit: Raised-Foundation Homes
An Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) seismic retrofit helps prevent the house from sliding or toppling off of its foundation during an earthquake. An EBB seismic retrofit is only done on wood-framed, pre-1980 homes with a raised foundation.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program - Federal Communications Commission
Consumers looking for information on the FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit should visit fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit. The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provided support for broadband services and certain devices to help low-income households stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency Broadband Benefit - Federal Communications Commission
Dec 31, 2021 · Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, a new long-term, $14 billion program, to replace the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. This investment in broadband affordability will help ensure we can afford the connections we need for work, school, health care and more for a long time.
EBB | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
EBB definition: 1. When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level. 2. If a…. Learn more.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Providers - Federal Communications Commission
On Dec. 31, 2021, The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program became the Affordable Connectivity Program. Contact your preferred provider directly to learn more about their plans for participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program and the …
EBB Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
to flow back or away, as the water of a tide ( flow). His life is gradually ebbing. “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. …
EBB Resource Hub
This website aggregates information and resources on the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) from the FCC, USAC, and key organizations across the country working to get Americans online with free or discounted internet access.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program - Universal Service …
On February 25, 2021, the FCC adopted Report and Order 21-29, officially establishing the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program. The EBB Program provided a discount of up to $50 per month for broadband services for eligible consumers.
Home - Emergency Broadband Benefit Help
The Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) is part of the emergency COVID-19 response by the federal government. It provides a direct payment by the government towards internet bills of up to $50 (or $75 on Tribal Lands ) per month for eligible households.