Our role is to co-ordinate the various partnerships that underlie your training and formation in IME2. We are available to advise, help and support both Training Supervisors and curates in their work together. At least six core IME2 training days will be offered in each July – May period.
Welcome to your IME Phase 2 Training Handbook. Most of the contents should be self-explanatory but one or two notes may be helpful. This handbook is intended to be a working tool to help you, and us, monitor your training in these first three years of licensed ministry.
Framework IME2 for Ordained Distinctive Diaconal and Priestly Ministry • To affirm you in your calling to ordained ministry and enable you to grow in your vocation to serve God. The training modes for IME2 are as follows: ontext: the bulk of your training takes place in your parish/pioneer context with your Training
Initial Ministerial Education Phase 2 (IME2) - The Diocese of St …
The IME2 programme is carefully curated to include key topics and resources for the equipping of new ministers for today’s church. Please see below for important dates and events which are a requirement for all clergy and Readers in the IME2 programme.
Assessment in IME2 is internal, although it may be moderated by colleagues from a partner diocese. Our arrangements for IME2 remain in transition with slightly differing arrangements for all three year groups.
Curate Training (IME Phase 2) - Diocese of Lichfield
Jul 22, 2024 · Curate training is shaped around a journey of Discipleship, Vocation and Evangelism (DVE). Alongside the IME2 programme curates are welcome to consider completing further study for academic award during their curacy. The handbook and documents are here. 2024 deacons: Curate and TI Handbook; Reporting …
3 The two grids and who they are for: The two grids grow out from that which the discernment process is developing.It is possible to see them as layers but may be even better to see them as a core grid and two concentric circles of periphery grids.
Aims of IME2 Our work in IME2 is shaped and guided by the new Formation Qualities (p30) which echo and augment the new Shared Discernment Framework introduced in 2021 now used in selection for training. It is also shaped by the unfolding Diocesan Vision (Transformed by hrist: Prayerful, Pastoral Prophetic ), the
Initial Ministerial Development (IME) Phase 2 Handbook
Jan 22, 2024 · Find out about our Bishops and their roles. Details of the ministry team and their roles in training ordinands, clergy, readers and laity. Details of our women’s ministry, including its vision to support and increase the number of women clergy.
Framework IME2 for Ordained Distinctive Diaconal and Priestly Ministry • To affirm you in your calling to ordained ministry and enable you to grow in your vocation to serve God.
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