Pharyngeal jaw - Wikipedia
Pharyngeal jaws are a "second set" of jaws contained within an animal's throat, or pharynx, distinct from the primary or oral jaws. They are believed to have originated as modified gill …
The Alien-Like Double Jaws of Moray Eels - American Oceans
Moray eels are carnivorous and feed on a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. They are ambush predators and use their powerful jaws to capture their prey. …
Surprising Results Upon Reexamining the Curious Jaw of the Moray Eel
In 2019, when Dave Johnson, a research zoologist and curator of marine fishes at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, re-examined the pharyngeal jaws of moray …
Pelican eel - Wikipedia
Its jaw is so large that it is estimated to be about a quarter of the total length of the eel itself. [7] While typically in a folded state, the pelican eel's mouth has the capacity to change to an …
Moray Eel’s Eerie Jaws Provide Unique Advantage - oceanbites
Jun 28, 2021 · Despite its limbless form, the snowflake moray eel has evolved a competitive advantage over other ocean predators with its highly mobile pharyngeal jaws and ability to …
Fish jaw - Wikipedia
Moray eels have two sets of jaws: the oral jaws that capture prey and the pharyngeal jaws that advance into the mouth and move prey from the oral jaws to the esophagus for swallowing. …
Moray Eel - American Oceans
Moray eels have two sets of jaws, the primary jaw, and the pharyngeal jaw, which is located in the throat. These jaws work together to help the eel grip and swallow prey, which can be up to …
Alien-like extendable secondary jaws allow moray eels to hunt …
Jun 8, 2021 · Back in 2007, Mehta described how the eels utilize a secondary set of extendable jaws to swallow prey while in the water. Known as pharyngeal jaws, they're located inside the …
The Pharyngeal Jaws of the Moray Eel | AMI 2018 Meeting
This illustration provides insight into the pharyngeal jaws of the moray eel. Primarily, it demonstrates how a moray eel uses pharyngeal jaws to capture prey and, secondarily, how …
Jaws of St-eel: Snowflake Moray Eels Use Their Extendable Jaws …
Jun 17, 2021 · According to a study recently published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, snowflake morays can swallow prey without any water at all—largely thanks to a second set of …