Electric eel - Wikipedia
The electric eels are a genus, Electrophorus, of neotropical freshwater fish from South America in the family Gymnotidae. They are known for their ability to stun their prey by generating electricity, delivering shocks at up to 860 volts.
How do electric eels generate a voltage and why do they not …
Dec 5, 2005 · Because the cells are oriented inside the electric organ like a series of batteries piled into a flashlight, the current generated by an activated cell "shocks" any inactive neighbor into action,...
How do electric eels work? - Natural History Museum
Electric eels are remarkable, snake-like fish with the power to deliver electric shocks to defend themselves, hunt, navigate and even communicate with one another. But how does their amazing ability work?
Electric Eel - National Geographic Kids
The eel uses its shock to stun prey and keep predators at bay. Electric eels are nocturnal, live in muddy, dark waters, and have poor eyesight. So instead of using eyes, electric eels emit...
A researcher reveals the shocking truth about electric eels - Science News
Sep 14, 2017 · For the first time, the biologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville has measured the strength of a defensive electrical attack on a real-life potential predator — himself.
8 Shocking Facts About Electric Eels - Treehugger
Apr 3, 2022 · Electric eels come by their name for good reason — depending on the species, they can release an electric shock of up to 860 volts. This defense mechanism is created by three organs found in...
Shocking Secrets of the Electric Eel | Scientific American
Apr 1, 2019 · Investigations into how the electric eel uses electricity have revealed astonishing insights into the creature's physiology and behavior. Electric eel wields its superpower to great effect...
How Strong Is a Zap From an Electric Eel? Shockingly Strong
Sep 18, 2017 · Biologist reaches into electric eel tank, comes out with equation to measure shocks. Few people would consider willingly getting shocked by an electric eel, but one bold biologist subjected...
Shocking Electric Eel Facts - ThoughtCo
Mar 26, 2019 · A shock from an electric eel is like the brief, numbing jolt from a stun gun. Normally, the shock can't kill a person. However, the eels can cause heart failure or respiratory failure from multiple shocks or in persons with underlying heart disease.
Watch an Eel Shock a Biologist in the Name of Science | National ...
By using actual human tissue, he could measure the current discharged when one of these eels leaps from the water to stun a predator. The measurements showed that, yes, eels do produce enough...