How many steps does it take to hatch a eevee egg?
Mar 22, 2009 · It takes 9180 steps to hatch Eevee, or 4845 if you have a Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor in your party. Catch a Magmar in front of Fuego Ironworks. SmokeRulz (Expert) - 15 years ago - report
Pokemon FireRed Version – Breeding Guide - GameFAQs
Oct 6, 2004 · Gender does not matter. Even for genderless Pokemon like Starmie or Metagross, a Ditto can breed and still produce a baby. Ditto even breeds with male Pokemon, so if you want another of those super-rare Pokemon that always seem to be male (the starters, Eevee, Hitmon family), breeding with Ditto still is possible.
Eevee Breeding? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for DS
Mar 22, 2009 · Pikachu and Raichu are the only Pokemon capable of breeding between the two Groups to produce the Egg Move, as they belong to the Fairy and Ground Egg Groups. 2) Use a male Smeargle's Sketch attack to copy Wish from a Pokemon who has that attack--someone recommended using Sketch on your own Pokemon during double battles in the Seven Stars ...
How Many Steps for Eevee Egg to hatch? - GameFAQs
Apr 22, 2007 · go to Solaceon Town, line up with the slopes near the lost tower and the jogger on route 210 going left and right. next go up as far as possible and down as far as possible while on the bike. this is the best method for hatching pokemon. the amount of time it takes varies with the pokemon you are hatching
What are the best egg moves for eevee? - GameFAQs
Nov 15, 2019 · I am planning to go through a breeding spree for giveaways, trading, etc. i already have a 6iv father, on the way for a hidden hability mother and currently breeding for egg moves so far i only have Yawn and Wish, since they seem to be more useful, but i need 2 more. here are my options:-Curse
Breeding a female eevee. Is it possible? - GameFAQs
Mar 22, 2009 · Short of saving before you receive an Egg or hatching multiple Eggs at once (i.e. leave the Ditto in the Daycare if you have a Male Eevee so you can hatch 4 Eggs at once with a Flame Body or Magma Armor Ability Pokemon), you …
Eevee egg? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version Q&A for DS - GameFAQs
Mar 14, 2010 · How many steps does it take to hatch an Eevee egg? punkrocker91 - 14 years ago - report. Accepted Answer ...
How to get eevee? - Pokemon Platinum Version Q&A for DS
Mar 22, 2009 · That way you would not need a Ditto necessarily; any Pokemon in the Ground Egg-group would be able to breed with Eevee and still produce Eevee eggs. However, once you have the National Dex, you can talk to Mr. Backlot each day and find out which special Pokemon has appeared in his Trophy Garden.
Pokemon Colosseum - Egg Group/Move List - GameCube
Jul 29, 2004 · Due to the number and variations of Eevee's evolutions, with no clear "highest" form, I have omitted them from this list. Search "Eevee" if you wish to locate it's egg group/moves. Remember that a lot of pokemon belong to TWO egg groups, so be sure to check thoroughly so as not to miss out on any breeding options. Use the "Find" command.
When will my eevee eggs hatch? - Pokemon HeartGold Version Q …
Mar 14, 2010 · An Eevee egg takes ~9000 steps to hatch, but having a pokemon with the Magma Armor (Slugma/Magcargo) or Flame Body (Magby/mar/mortar) ability in your active party as well as the egg will cut the number of steps required in half.