EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
EggForce is a story and community-driven, high quality hand-drawn 10,000 Egg NFTs collection on Casper Network. Based on the special hatching leveling system, mystery dragon drop, …
What is EggForce ? | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
EggForce is an NFT project that originates from the story of Selvyn - the beginning and the main reason for all chapters available on EggForce. Life keeps going on and so does our story. …
FAQ | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
EggForce is a story and community-driven, high quality hand-drawn 10,000 Egg NFTs collection on Casper Network. Based on the special hatching leveling system, mystery dragon drop, …
Dear Hatchers | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
EggForce is a story and community-driven, high quality hand-drawn 10,000 Egg NFTs collection on Casper Network. Originating from the story of Selvyn - the world’s first and only tree with …
Opportunities | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
A long-term project with richly diverse NFT collections based on a series of mythical stories. Users do not have the right to involve in the story. EggForce’s special side selection mechanism able …
Dragon Merging Mechanism | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
You can directly increase your Dragon NFT’s value by using Life Stone and Lucky Stone to merge. Life Stone is a must-buy item if you want to merge your Dragon. Using Lucky Stone …
Egg Merge Mechanism | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
After hatching, Egg #1 levels up and becomes a Wood Platinum Egg. Subsequently, the hatcher merges Egg #3 into Egg #1. As a result of this merge, the Lucky Points of Egg #3 will increase …
Egg Hatching Mechanism | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
For each Egg NFT, you have to choose 1 Validator to start the staking process. Rewards from staking will return to your wallet as usual. Rewards that you earned from staking will be …
NFT Overview | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
Egg owners can gain experience to upgrade their Eggs simply by staking CSPR. The rewards that you earned from staking will help to level up your Eggs. The higher the Egg's level, the greater …
Egg Leveling System | EggForce - Your Egg - Your Power
The higher level your egg is, the more outstanding its shape, color and luck it may give to Hatchers. “Rare and Legend Dragons may not be hatched from Master eggs, but Master Eggs …