Starting Caja's romance quest. :: ELEX General Discussions
Doubt it has anything to do with her liking you, or the cold level. Just do her sidequests when they become available, as some of these quests only become available in later chapters of the main story. Also keep in mind that romancing Nasty will make it impossible to romance Caja.
Gefährtenquests Fortschritt unverändert (Ray gelöst, Caja offen ...
Oct 22, 2017 · Ich mache gerade noch die ganzen Quests fertig die da offen sind bevor ich mich letztlich entscheide. Allerdings komme ich bei den Gefährtenquests nicht weiter. Caja sagt sie brauche Zeit bis sie eine größere Ansammlung von Elex findet. Dies dauert nun schon sehr lange. Ray sagte nur er müsse nachdenken wüsste aber schon wer die …
Caja - Schrecken der Erkenntnis? :: ELEX II General Discussions
Mar 28, 2022 · Hey Habe ein Problem mit Caja. Sie ist nach unserem Gespräch wegen des Mord(auftrags) an ihrem Leibwächter in Tavar und will nicht mehr mit mir sprechen. Wollte sie aber gerne an meiner Seite haben um mehr Sympathiepunkte bei ihr zu sammeln. Wisst ihr was der Trigger ist, damit sie wieder mit mir rumhängt, bzw. die Quest "Schrecken der Erkenntnis" weiter geht? gerade steht da dass sie ...
Caja and mana :: ELEX General Discussions - Steam Community
Jul 28, 2020 · I am confused by Caja. Do you need to keep giving her mana? We finished the World Heart part of her mission and I didn't give her mana when she seemed desparate. Shortly after that the mission was canceled. I guess I should have given her mana again. If the quest is canceled, will she still be a companion? I reloaded and gave her mana and the quest is ongoing.
ELEX 2 Companions Guide - Steam Community
Mar 27, 2022 · Caja is the first companion you’ll meet just at the beginning of the game, and she can be found at the Berserkers’ outpost. Assuming you’ve completed the “Only a dead Morkon quest”, Caja will join your squad. This entails killing a group of Morkons.
Where can I find Caja after "Horror of Realization" mission? :: ELEX …
Mar 20, 2022 · Hello, Before I start, there are minor spoilers here. Not sure if this has happened to anyone. But my Jax started criticizing Caja after she sent me on a mission to kill her bodyguard. I refused to do, which got her to consider rethinking her life choices and take a break to process stuff. She said she'd leave to the Fort and become an oracle for about a week or so. A week later, I …
Caja Romance question. Spoiler. : r/elex - Reddit
Mar 27, 2022 · I was worried I won't be able to romance Caja because she asked me to kill Drabak but I can't because my destruction level is too low. Even blasting him with a grenade launcher doesn't do anything to him. This game is so weird and frustrating. Just make sure to choose the first option "Caja wants you dead.
Caja Romance missable? : r/elex - Reddit
Apr 9, 2022 · Currently I’m in chapter 2 and Caja “admires” me. No romance quest line is coming out of it though. The best I can get is “Caja is a true friend” I’m going for platinum and I am afraid that I did some wrong decisions regarding her. I read something online, that if you let one of her bodyguards live, it would block the chance of romance.
caja disappears (wtf?) :: ELEX General Discussions - Steam …
Nov 9, 2017 · maybe it's just my playthrough but does caja tend to disappear after cutscenes? originally i thought she just turned neutral by dialog and quit but it happens so even after big bang fight. she's not there during not there after nowhere on map and not at camp. just like she vanished earlier in another cutscene for me (forgot specifics). only solution i've found's to …
Relationship levels :: ELEX General Discussions - Steam Community
Apr 12, 2018 · You can easily loose relationship with Caja in her mainquest, I forgot to bring her Mana the first time for example and she went right back to "neutral". Same goes for other companions, Falk for eg, if you screw up something in their quest, like a dialogue option, they drop to neutral even when they were on a high relationship status before.