Lonocelu Ospho (New Earth) | DC Database | Fandom
Lonocelu Ospho, alias Elu was an energy being hailing from the planet Rogue in the Vega system. He joined the Omega Men alongside Darkfire of Tamaran when both were selected from a field of trial applicants on Okaara. Elu was with the …
Elu (Character) - Comic Vine
Elu was born on the planet Rogue, one of the few in the Vegan star system with an eccentric orbit, during which Rogue passes close enough to the star to make the...
Elu - Dc Microheroes Wiki
Lonocelu Ospho, alias Elu, was an energy being from the planet Rogue in the Vega system. He joined the Omega Men alongside Darkfire of Tamaran when both were selected from a field of trial applicants on Okaara.
Elu - Cosmic Teams
Lonocelu of Rogue joined the Omega Men alongside Prince Ryand'r of Tamaran when both were selected from a field of trial applicants on Okaara. Elu was with the core team, led by Tigorr when they were ambushed by Far away, on the Psion Wombworld, a being called Artin …
Rogue | DC Database | Fandom
Nothing is known of their society, but occasionally one such as Elu will come to Okaara to study. Elu is the first Roguian to participate in any interspecies group, joining the Omega Men at the insistence of friend and fellow student Ryand'r .
Elu (LonocElu osPho) (Comic Book Character)
Elu was born on the planet Rogue, one of the few in the Vegan star system with an eccentric orbit, during which Rogue passes close enough to the star to make the rock boil on the sun side, and yet far enough away that the atmosphere solidifies on the right side.
【エルローグ】感想・不思議のダンジョン系の同人ローグライ …
Feb 15, 2023 · 今回はゲーム性抜群な神ゲー「エルローグ」の紹介・感想です。 サークルは「セツナソフト」さん。 発売日は2022年11月26日。 動画を再生出来ませんでした。 ネットワーク環境を確認するか、あとで再度お試し下さい. 山で育った女の子「エルミア(エル)」を主人公とした本格派ローグライト。 不思議のダンジョン系の作品となっており、「自分が動けば敵も動く」といったシステムが特徴的。 ようするに「風来のシ ン」や「トル コの大冒険」みたいな …
Omega Men (New Earth) | DC Database - Fandom
The Omega Men are a team of extra-terrestrial freedom fighters who operate in the Vega system, one of the most dangerous sectors of the universe. They are the combined forces of rebels from several planets, who have joined together to fight tyranny and oppression.
Rough Elunium - Miscellaneous - - RO Item (Pre-Re)
Rough Elunium - Raw ore that mostly consists of Elunium metal....
Elu - Character
Elu (Blade's Edge) Freelance Raiders B Free - 50 Night Elf Subtlety Rogue, 49 ilvl