Elvaan :: Wiki :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Jul 23, 2008 · Physically, they are characterized by their tall, slender bodies and pointed ears. Their unshakable pride and faith in their beliefs is visible in each of their determined faces. …
The Elvaan Goldsmith :: Quests :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Sep 21, 2007 · she is in the bastok market area near the gate to fight the monsters. going from the fountain its the first set of stairs you see after the weapon shop. go up and its the first …
Divine Might :: Quests :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Sep 19, 2008 · Good order is Mithra>Elvaan>Galka>Hume>TT, reason Elvaan is bumped up in the order is due to Spirits within, which can easily drop the Super tank. A solid Super tank …
Vana'diel Bestiary: Ark Angel EV - Fanbyte Final Fantasy XI
1. Yes it is a female. Has exactly the same face, and hair as my toon, and I play an Elvaan Female. PLD too! I realize this screenshot is not the most revealing of her feminine features, …
Olibanum Sachet :: Items :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
1/9 on this now, just got lucky. Made it a semi-LS event. Had 3 Elvaan LSmates come with me and we each took a spot. Thanks to VLH for the assist, and we're working on another as I …
Swift Belt :: Items :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
For all 4 runs we ended up fighting Balor. Fight was fairly easy with that setup just gotta have the NIN's Toss hate back and forth. I think we popped the NM a total of 6 times but 4/6 isn't that …
Elvaan Rice Cake :: Items :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Final Fantasy XI Item Information for Elvaan Rice Cake
Elvaan Jerkin :: Items :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Final Fantasy XI Item Information for Elvaan Jerkin. I think some might like this.. If you equip this, a pair of slacks, a Travlers hat, and a pair of fingerless gloves. you kinda look like a cowbow...
ZM14 - Ark Angels :: Quests :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Jan 26, 2009 · Divine Might and Arch Angels are the SAME THING. many people say differently . well your all wrong. simply because Divine Might and Arc Angels Both are ZM14 and give you …
Ark Angels v2 (Elvaan) :: Quests :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM
Final Fantasy XI Quest Information for Ark Angels v2 (Elvaan)