Filing Forms - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Updates on the transition from the current electronic filing format to XBRL for FERC Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3-Q electric, 3-Q natural gas, 6, 6-Q, 60, and 714. EQR Forms Access the EQR filing system and submit EQR data
Service Companies Filing Forms - Federal Energy Regulatory …
Mar 19, 2020 · Form No. 60 is an annual regulatory support requirement under 18 CFR 366.23 for centralized service companies. The report is designed to collect financial information from centralized service companies subject to the jurisdiction of the …
Forms - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
May 23, 2024 · Regulated entities are required to submit information to the Commission in structured filings, or forms. These forms are made available to the public. Some of these reports are filed with the Commission in electronic format.
eForms Applications
Form No. 549D Search and Download- Quarterly Transportation & Storage Report for Intrastate Natural Gas and Hinshaw Pipelines. For any issues regarding Forms, please contact FERC Online Support or call 866-208-3676.
FERC Online - FormApps
FERC Online does not require the submission of personally identifiable Information (PII) (e.g. social security numbers, birthdates, and phone numbers), and FERC will not be responsible for any PII submitted to FERC Online, including any accidental or inadvertent submissions of PII.
Electric Industry Forms - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mar 19, 2020 · The FERC Form No. 1-F (Form No.1-F) is a financial and operating report submitted annually for electric rate regulation, market oversight analysis, and financial audits by Nonmajor electric utilities and licensees.
Natural Gas Industry Forms - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The Form No. 2 is a compilation of financial and operational information from major interstate natural gas pipelines subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC. The form contains data for a calendar year.
eForms Refresh - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Due to a technical issue in the filing system, FERC Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 6, & 60 filers who have waivers or regulatory exemptions from filing a full form are currently unable to file only select pages of the forms.
FERC Online - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
You must check the requirements for the form you need to file to determine if that form requires a Company Identifier. To receive a Company Identifier, companies must apply through a FERC Online application known as Company Registration.
Form No. 714 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Form 714 Overview. The Commission collects data from electric utility balancing authority and planning areas in the United States. Form 714 is authorized by the Federal Power Act and is a regulatory support requirement as provided by 18 CFR § 141.51 .