This report, prepared for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), assesses the economic and reliability implications of different resource adequacy standards. We examine the widely-used one-day-in-ten-years (1-in-10) loss of load standard, compare it to alternative
Expectation (LOLE) study which assumes that there are no internal transmission limitations within the Transmission Provider Region. The following process will be utilized to determine the minimum PRM requirement for each
1 LOLE Study Process Overview In compliance with Module E-1 of the MISO Tariff, MISO performed its annual LOLE Study to determine, for each season of Planning Year 2024-2025, the system Unforced Capacity (UCAP) Planning Reserve Margin (PRM) and the per-unit Local Reliability Requirements (LRR) of Local Resource Zone (LRZ) Peak Demand.
Feb 28, 2024 · MISO has continuously evaluated and implemented enhancements to its LOLE modeling over the years. The accreditation calculation is a separate process than LOLE modeling, and the proposed DLOL method is independently robust to provide accurate and reasonable resource class level accreditation.
For each hour of a Season for all iterations included in the LOLE analysis, calculate margin as the difference between available generation (including net imports) and load.
A. LOLE Reliability Standard In the LCR Order, the Commission found that the Alternative LCR Methodology satisfies the 0.1 days/year LOLE reliability standard while economically optimizing the LCRs to minimize the total cost of procuring capacity in NYCA.9 On rehearing, LIPA
Jun 24, 2024 · Oversight of MISO’s LOLE Model Given its Direct Role in Accreditation MISO’s response to PIOs’ suggestion that the Commission require MISO to subject its LOLE analysis to Commission review fails to address the core point PIOs made in our opening protest. PIOs are well aware that the Commission has historically approved effective load
capability (ELCC) of variable generation is needed. The traditional approach is based on the Loss of Load Expectancy (LOLE) of 0.1 days/year as the reliability target. This approach considers only the peak hour of the days that have significant Loss of Load Probability (LOLP).
Jan 25, 2024 · Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) exceed 1-day-in-10 years • Extreme conditions are also likely to result in shortfall Elevated Risk
*Definition of Unforced Capacity (UCAP) is changing with the Accreditation Filing and will account for resource’s availability in the LOLE analysis that will be computed based on DLOL method. **MISO also plans to use the Regional Resource Assessment (RRA) to publish forward looking accreditation and planning reserve margin requirement ...
- Some results have been removed