18 CFR 385.211 -- Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211).
§ 385.211 Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211). (a) General rule. (1) Any person may file a protest to object to any application, complaint, petition, order to show cause, notice of tariff or rate examination, or tariff or rate filing. (2) The filing of a protest does not make the protestant a party to the proceeding.
18 CFR § (ID101218624711) - § 385.211 Protests other than under …
(1) Any person may file a protest to object to any application, complaint, petition, order to show cause, notice of tariff or rate examination, or tariff or rate filing. (2) The filing of a protest does not make the protestant a party to the proceeding.
eCFR :: 18 CFR Part 385 -- Rules of Practice and Procedure
(1) Any person may file a protest to object to any application, complaint, petition, order to show cause, notice of tariff or rate examination, or tariff or rate filing. ( 2 ) The filing of a protest does not make the protestant a party to the proceeding.
How to Intervene - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Individuals have the option to intervene in Commission proceedings. As an intervenor, it can allow individuals to become participants in a proceeding and have the right to request rehearing of Commission orders and seek relief of final agency actions in the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal.
eCFR :: 18 CFR 157.205 -- Notice procedure.
(1) Any person or the Commission's staff may file a protest prior to the deadline. Copies of the protest must be served on the Secretary of the Commission and the certificate holder. (2) Protests shall be filed in the following form:
Gas pipeline protesters turn up heat on FERC - Utility Dive
Sep 21, 2017 · More than two dozen protesters representing environmental groups from across the country rallied outside of FERC headquarters. A small number even interrupted the meeting — shouting that...
Comment/Protest - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
This consists of a review, analysis, and comment on an application, report or other regulatory matter in a proceeding before the Commission.
Breaking: 25 Arrested Shutting Down FERC Office in DC
Nov 3, 2014 · Nearly 100 people from across the country participated in a nonviolent direct action protest this morning shutting down the office of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in Washington, DC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Late Motions to Intervene and Protests must be filed on all parties to a proceeding. Service can be emailed to other parties by simply forwarding the Acceptance for Filing email to the parties that have email addresses or mailed via first class mail.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Active Participation/Intervention in ...
As a general rule, you should intervene when you may be materially affected by FERC's decision on a specific case, project or policy. Intervention gives you the right to challenge FERC's decisions in Court.