What's the Best Treatment for Favus? - BackYard Chickens
Jul 29, 2015 · one of our chickens started to develop favus on her comb about a week ago. we started to treat her with a colloidal silver cream after the day we noticed the fungus. We applied the cream across the whole comb early in the mornings and late in the evenings. Today, after 5 days of treatment the fungus has almost cleared up.
Favus | My Injuries, Diseases, and Cures Information Library
What is it: Favus is a chronic fungal skin infection, typically presenting itself on the head of the chicken, as well as on the legs. In some more severe cases it can spread to other areas of the head and may cause permanent damage to the beak and/or eyelids, [2] and can also spread to the rest of the body’s skin and around feather follicles. [1]
Favus? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Feb 14, 2023 · It does appear to be favus. Favus is contagious to other birds and humans. Wear disposable gloves when applying the anti-fungal cream or ointment. Miconazole is also used to treat favus. Dont expect it to disappear over night, it takes time to go away.
Best Treatment for Favus? - BackYard Chickens
Apr 10, 2016 · Didn’t realize Favus was ringworm, just that it was a fungus. Can they only get it through contact with infected birds? In that case, that is probably not It. This girl’s earlobes are turning white. The face photo shows her dryish looking comb.
Please Help with Favus Diagnosis and Treatment
Jun 26, 2023 · My older group of laying hens (7 Easter Eggers, 2 years old) all appear to have developed favus. Many of them have white spots and black scabs on their combs and several have lost feathers on their faces and necks. I have been applying clotrimazole cream to their combs, faces, and necks for the past two nights.
FAVUS IN WHOLE FLOCK?! - BackYard Chickens
May 14, 2023 · I've dealt with Favus years ago and the Miconazole cleared it up in about 10 days. I caught it early and isolated the hen away from the flock. It's possible you might have something else going on with some of your birds besides favus, possibly scaly face mites. A scraped skin sample will tell. Treatment for scaly face mites is Ivermectin pour on.
Help with Favus | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Sep 9, 2024 · Thank you so much for your reply, I do not have a rooster but my black bird acts like a rooster. She often will jump and pin down the others and can be a bully. My gray girl is #2 so possible she might have gotten a peck injury from my black beauty. That’s not great but a relief you don’t think it looks like favus!
Favus? White stuff in eating at comb. Pict. - BackYard Chickens
Dec 21, 2013 · Wash up well with normal bar soap and warm water afterward, as humans CAN get favus depending on the fungal species. There are some studies published that normal bar soaps / castile types work better than antibacterial ones against fungal agents.
Is it Favus? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Apr 29, 2012 · Type the word "favus" in the search bar. There is a few threads about it on here and some pics. I hope it isn't the case with your hen!
Pimples, growths, fungus? Favus, Pox? Pics included
Jul 11, 2010 · Yes, if they are solid white it looks like favus. The more compact comb styles (pea, rose, etc) seem more prone to favus than single combs. My easter egger has this problem on and off, I think the deep wrinkles in the comb are more suitable for the fungus to grow.