Fiji Dry Aquarium Live Rock - Bulk Reef Supply
BRS Fiji Dry Rock is the standard rock used in aquariums. Fiji Dry Rock is porous and full of holes that become nice homes and passage ways for your tanks inhabitants.
Sawa-i-lau: The Heart of Yasawa Islands - Fiji
Sawa-i-Lau is odd – in origin and in looks. But you can’t help but be drawn to this tiny island. Dominated by a jagged shoreline and a single high mountain, it stands out as the only limestone island in a chain of volcanic ones.
Fiji Pukani Live Rock-FREE 3-Day Shipping! - Scleractinia
Fiji Pukani Live Rock is a premium high end type of rock from the Fijian Islands. It is sent to LAX from Fiji via Air Freight so it is always fresh. Other types of Fiji rock are sent via cargo ship so the rock is much less than fresh once it reaches the US.
Live Rock - Marine Aquarium - Fiji - South Pacific - Livestock USA
Fiji is currently closed for wild-collected live rock, but has excellent cultured live rock available, shown below. Our live rock is collected by hand in the South Pacific. We "meet the plane" and immediately deliver the live rock to your airline.
Fiji saltwater live rock
Fiji saltwater live rock This is Walt Smiths cultured Fiji rock and this Fiji live rock is flown in and is direct to you from Fiji
Live Rock For Saltwater Aquariums - The Ultimate Guide | ARC Reef
Fiji Live Rock: The most common type available. Porous and lightweight. Fiji Live Rock varies vastly from one supplier to the next. Some re-sellers get it air shipped but the price usually skyrockets. Most Fiji rock is boat shipped and can spend up to 30 days in transit before arriving in Los Angeles International Airport.
Live Rock Comparison Chart - LiveAquaria
Selecting the right Live Rock among so many great choices depends on aquarium conditions, equipment, care level, and the overall desired look of the aquarium display. Use the following chart as a guide to select the ideal Live Rock for your dream reef aquarium setup.
Ultra Premium Fiji Live Rock 45-50lbs - Live Rock Sand - SaltwaterFish
PRE-CURED and HAND-PICKED LIVEROCK Saltwaterfish.com offers the very best "Pre-cured" Fiji Live Rock. Each piece that is shipped to our customers is hand-picked by our trained staff to offer you the best rock around. In the Fiji plant, the rock …
Premium Ultra Fiji UN-Cured Live Rock (Sold Per LB)
Premium Ultra Fiji liverock is an indo-pacific rock, collected from the Fiji Islands. It makes an great lower cost reef building rock, or to build your base structure and top off with more exotic live rock.
Premium Live Rock for Aquarium Saltwater Fish Tanks | Arc Reef
The most commonly available Live Rock is harvested directly from living coral reefs in Fiji and other small island nations in the indo-pacific. Destructive practices such as using dynamite and crowbars to break up these rocks into smaller pieces have decimated reef systems all …