Why Use Aquarium Filter Floss and Where to Get it Dirt Cheap?
Feb 20, 2024 · Filter floss, on the other hand, is extremely cheap and doesn’t require any washing. A single bag of the stuff will last you an entire month, doing pretty much the same job as a filter sock. The only downside to filter floss is that it doesn’t filter out particles as good as a 100 micron filter sock.
Filter Floss vs. Sponges - Nano-Reef Community
Jun 30, 2009 · Most filter floss sold for the hobby is something like a cruel joke. Filter socks do the job well, but IMO are a pain to remove and spray out regularly, and are rather expensive compared to a similar sized piece of floss.
Filter Floss Recommendation? - Nano-Reef Community
Jul 25, 2018 · Hi Guys, I have been using a $4.99 bag of filter floss from Wal-Mart as my mechanical filter floss that I replace every 3-4 days. What brand are you all using, and is there a better mouse trap that you recommend? I see on Amazon: Poly Filter - $10.99 Deep Blue Professional - $5.40 Of course, cut ...
Do I rinse filter floss before putting in tank? - Equipment Forum ...
Apr 2, 2008 · Why would you put nitrate floss; I mean filter floss in your tank? Unnecessary stuff that can cause problems in your tank quick. You know how you said it was backing up flow, this will too, thats because it is starting to get clogged with stuff which will rot and cause no3 in your tank. You are better off without it.
Filter Floss placement in Aquaclear HOB - Nano-Reef Community
Jan 14, 2021 · This is because i feel like the filter pulls in water, then pushes it out to the TOP of the sponge/filter but then the water goes up thru the carbon/media and back out the overflow. So shouldn't the floss/sponge be on the SIDE of the so that it can efficiently filter out the water.
Filter floss the only media in Filter? - Beginners Discussion - Nano ...
Oct 12, 2020 · Using nothing but filter floss is what most people use for mechanical filtration in an HOB filter. It's also totally fine to use no mechanical filtration in your HOB as well. If you also need to run carbon, use granular carbon in a media bag - certainly way, way cheaper than carbon pads.
Filter Floss? Use or Lose - Equipment Forum - Nano-Reef …
Mar 28, 2013 · It seems the more and more forums I read, the longer lasting nano and pico tanks do not use filter floss. How many reefers here use filter floss? When talking years, is it worth the cons of detritus build up even when changing out every couple days?
How often do I change the filter floss - Nano-Reef Community
May 26, 2011 · typically I change the floss about 3 times a week i think depending on what ive done in the tank and how much i've been feeding. btw I LOVE the filter floss you can buy off of inTank's website, that stuff is so fluffy and thick compared to the floss you buy at the store. I always have a constant supply of the filter floss from intank.
Filter Floss & Carbon Filter - Beginners Discussion - Nano-Reef …
Feb 19, 2021 · This was my basic question, so I decided to take a pic. I have the filter floss on top of the carbon filter that came with the Biocube 32, the carbon filter alone got clogged so fast that I had to replace it too soon, so I decided to do this, is this a good idea or is there a better way to help the carbon filter last longer/cleaner.
Mechanical: Socks vs. Floss Pads - Nano-Reef Community
Dec 26, 2016 · I use filter floss cut yo size and replace 2 times a week. Bulk filter floss costs $10 for a yrs supply. I don't use filter pads. They collect detritus and can lead to nutrient issues. They are more costly to replace. Never used filter socks myself