The Bluebook | A Uniform System of Citation
Dec 4, 1990 · The following examples illustrate how to cite commonly used sources in accordance with The Bluebook 's Whitepages, which are intended for use in law review footnotes. For …
Federal Courts - Bluebook Guide - Guides at Georgetown Law …
5 days ago · Specialized federal courts, such as the U.S. Bankruptcy Court or the U.S. Tax Court, have slightly different citation rules. Check Table 1 for guidance on how to cite materials from such courts.
Guides: Bluebook Guide: Short Forms for Cases
5 days ago · Because you will often cite a case (and other legal materials) multiple times in a document, The Bluebook has established a "short form" for use in subsequent citations. The main rule that describes the short form for cases is Rule 10.9 .
What does each signal mean? The Bluebook lists four different “families” of introductory signals: (1) signals that indicate support, (2) signals that indicate comparison, (3) signals that indicate contradiction, and (4) signals that indicate background material. * Handout created by Ryan Miller.
Bluebook Guide: Short Form Citation - University of Illinois Chicago
Mar 5, 2025 · Because a case or other legal materials will often be cited multiple times in a document, The Bluebook established a “short form” for use in subsequent citations. The Whitepages explain when to use a short form citation for cases or other legal materials already cited in full in law review articles. See R10.9, pp. 116-18.
Using Bluebook citation form correctly requires a high degree of attention to detail. Putting citations in proper Bluebook form takes more time than you might expect. Why learn Bluebook citation rules? Bluebook citation is used by most law …
Bluebook Guide: Administrative & Executive Materials
Mar 5, 2025 · The Bluebook provides a few examples of basic citation forms for administrative and executive materials for academic legal writing. See R14.1, p. 142. FTC Credit Practices Rule, 16 C.F.R. § 444.1 (2019). Importation of Fruits and Vegetables, 60 Fed. Reg. 50379 (Sept. 29, 1995) (to be codified at & C.F.R. pt. 300).
Bluebook Citation for Legal Materials - Purdue OWL®
The specific content of a short form citation is flexible, but varies by the type of authority being cited. Acceptable short forms for a given citation will be covered in each entry. Short forms may also use id.
Please remember you are REQUIRED to use the Bluebook form of citation when citing your sources in every assignment, including your discussion board threads and replies. The Bluebook is the most...
Bluebook Legal Citation System Guide - Harvard Library Guides
Jul 18, 2024 · To create a Bluebook citation follow this six step process: 1. Identify the Type of Source. What type of source do you want to cite? 2. Find the Bluebook Rule. Go to the Bluebook rule for that source type. The Bluebook prefers citations to print sources. 3. Read the Rule & Examples. 4. Gather the Citation Components. 5. Draft a Citation. 6.