Fostex 280 Multitrack Analog Recorder - Reverb
Fostex and Tascam set the gold standard of excellence in the field of home and portable studio recording in the '90's; Fostex Model 280 Multitracker consisting of an 8 input mixer combined with an ultra-high quality, high speed 4-track cassette recorder; Built-in Dolby C noise reduction; Overdubbing, punch in/out, ping-pong capabilities
User reviews: Fostex 280 - Audiofanzine
The Fostex 280 is designed to record 8 tracks onto a standard cassette. It features a built in mixer with high and low EQ on each channel, XLR inputs on channels 1 and 2, and 1/4” inputs for the other inputs. It can record on up to 4 tracks simultaneously.
- Reviews: 4
FOSTEX 280 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Fostex 280 owner's manual online. Multitracker. 280 recording equipment pdf manual download.
Fostex 280 Multitracker - Reverb
Fostex 280 Multitracker. This is a sweet Fostex cassette recorder that we just took in. It has some general cosmetic wear but is in good shape overall and functions as intended. If you are looking for a vintage cassette recorder then this could be a great option. Get it while it lasts! Got questions? Message us directly!
Fostex Multitracker Model 280 - Tapeheads.net
Sep 11, 2018 · I have acquired a supposedly perfect functioning Fostex Model 280 and a pile of unopened TDK SA90s. I downloaded a manual and got it all set up. My problem is that the meters are reading, but the tape isn’t recording.
Fostex 280 - bandmaschinenseite.de
Oct 31, 2023 · Der Fostex 280 ist eigentlich gar kein gewöhnlicher Kassettenrekorder, sondern ein Vierspur-Aufnahmegerät mit herkömmlichen Kompaktkassetten.
Fostex 280 Multitrack Cassette Recorder - eBay
This unit has an array of inputs, including 4 mic, 4 phono, and 8 line inputs, catering to a diverse set of recording scenarios. Crafted with precision in Japan, the Fostex 280. It has all the knobs and sliders still.
Fostex Multitracker Mixer / Recorder Model 280 for sale online
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fostex Multitracker Mixer / Recorder Model 280 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Manuals : Fostex Support
Fostex was founded by Foster Electric who have been developing high quality speaker components since 1949. Fostex continue to develop quality products for Professionals and Hifi enthusiasts.
Fostex 280 - Audiofanzine
The Fostex 280 is designed to record 8 tracks onto a standard cassette. It features a built in mixer with high and low EQ on each channel, XLR inputs on channels 1 and 2, and 1/4” inputs for the other inputs. It can record on up to 4 tracks simultaneously.
- Reviews: 4