Woofer : FW Series | Speaker Components| Fostex
Fostex was founded by Foster Electric who have been developing high quality speaker components since 1949. Fostex continue to develop quality products for Professionals and Hifi enthusiasts.
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FW405 - Fostex
Features ♦400mm (16 in) cone type full range ♦8 ohm impedance ♦fo to 2.5kHz frequency response ♦96dB sensitivity at 1W/1m (3.3ft) ♦7.8kg (17.196 lb) net weight
Fostex Compatibility Chart Model Final Production Remarks for replaceable models Replaceable Model Physical Compatibility Consideration in terms of sound Baffle Hole Diameter ... FW407 1988 FW405 Yes Physically mountable. No 357 FW407S 1983 FW405 Yes Physically mountable. No 357 FW505 1988 n / a FW507 1988 n / a FW800 2000 FW800N Yes Yes FW800N is
Specifications of FOSTEX FW405 FOSTEX - Audio Database
FOSTEX FW405; ¥ 33,000 (1 piece, around 1992) Commentary. A 40 cm cone type woofer unit that uses a low-distortion magnetic circuit. High efficiency is realized by the thick cast yoke. Model Rating. Method: Cone type woofer unit: Aperture: 40cm:
FOSTEX FW405の仕様 フォステクス - オーディオの足跡
低歪の磁気回路を採用した40cmコーン型ウーファーユニット。 厚肉の鋳造ヨークにより高能率を実現しています。
FW405N | Fostex(フォステクス)
φ200mmの大型フェライト磁気回路。 FWシリーズのウーハーは、新設計の高剛性アルミダイキャスト/ラウンドフレームタイプから超大型80cmスーパーウーハー、高性能なAV対応モデル …
スピーカー修理 スピーカーパーツ・スピーカーエッジ販売
Fostex UP120, FW127, F120A, FF125A, FF125N: ウレタンエッジ2枚+ボンド1本 4,180円: B10kit: Fostex CSW25N, FW-250: ウレタンエッジ2枚+ボンド1本 7,260円: LE15kit: Fostex FW400, FW405, FW407: ウレタンエッジ2枚+ボンド1本 ...
FW407 FOSTEX - 中古オーディオ 高価買取・販売 ハイファイ堂
2016/6/6販売価格10,000円 FOSTEXのウーファー。 エッジ部分が接着剤で固められておりガチガチになっているためジャンクです。 音出し未チェックです。 ジャンク品のため会員様価格適応外です(佐々木 将太)
Fostex FW405N - diyAudio
I have recently received a pair of FOSTEX FW 405N that I ordered to make a 2 way spkr for my father, the high section is made from a jbl 2426j with homemade horn, and the crosing frequency is approximatively 900HZ, We used to run that system with a JBL 2226h that was more effiscient than the Fostex, but had no low end at all...that is why I ...
FW405N - Fostex
Newly shaped frame allows mounting with screw pitch from ø370 to ø375 mm. 200 mm dia. large ferrite magnetic circuit.