Mic Fostex M77RP | MicPedia.com
It is equipped with a multi-position switch to fine tune its frequency response characteristics. The M77RP is internally shock-mounted exhibiting extremely low handling noise and wide-bandwidth performance. The integral XLR connector is prewired with high quality cable.
Fostex M77RP Printed Ribbon 1981 Gray Metal - Reverb
sE Electronics X1R | Passive Ribbon Microphone. New with Full Warranty! View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. I bought this Fostex M77RP printed ribbon microphone new in the early 80s for studio use and used it very little.
Fostex M77RP Cardiod Printed Ribbon Microphone - Reverb
Fostex M77RP Cardiod Printed Ribbon Mic with Fostex Pouch. Great microphone. Getting harder to find. Just not being used.
The Fostex Model M77RP - Coutant
Microphone description, technical specifications, and diagrams are from the Fostex Pro Sound Division catalog, ©April, 1986, provided via the courtesy of Mr. Masaki Shimmachi at Fostex. Download the sales brochure for this mic.
Fostex M77rp #1 - Soviet American Audio Systems
This is a very hard-to-find Fostex M77rp "Regular Phase" microphone, which was marketed by Fostex as their Regular Phase kick drum microphone, but we've found that it excels in every application we've used it in, including vocals and overheads.
Fostex M77 RP Archives - Two notes
Product micname7 / Fostex M77 RP. Filter. Showing all 8 results. Selections. Recommended for. Clean / Funk / Jazz . Blues / Country . Rock & Pop Classics . Modern Rock . Metal . Product types. Torpedo Wall of Sound ...
Fostex M22RP/M20RP printed ribbon mics - Gearspace
Oct 26, 2005 · Owned quite a few of the Fostex mics, including the RP88, M22RP & M20RP. Great sleeper units for the money; have a warm focused sound that isn't too hyped. They made some great little monitors with the same technology in the 80s.
The Figure-Eight Microphone Thread - Page 2 - Gearspace
Some older Fostex M77-RP and M-11RP were uni directional as well as those old RCA BK-5 mics and probably some more I am unaware of. What figure-eight mics do you folks use? And: Why these?
Fostex M77 RP Archives - Two notes
You, that's who - with over 400 cabs in our catalog we like to think we have all bases covered - but you are proving us wrong. This has been noted and we are going to do something about it ASAP! In the meantime, you can start another search or simply stroll around our DynIR Cabinet categories right below.
DIATONE M-S07、FOSTEX GX10と比較 | イイ音聞いてる?
Mar 24, 2020 · diatone m-s07とfostex gx10と比較です。 両者、非常によく似ておりますんで、相違点を探っていきたいと思います。 ※記事中の画像は左がDIATONE M-S07、右がFOSTEX GX10、別々の画像の場合はFOSTEX GX10→DIATONE M-S07の順で統一しています。