Fostex PM.03 Active Speaker Review
Feb 13, 2016 · Fostex now lists PM0.3H & PM03dH ("d" featuring the standby mode.. 0.4W power consumption after 12 minutes). EDIT: looks like end letter means color code (B/black, G/grey, W/white).. Still no clue about "H", maybe high resolution, as stated on some site:
Fostex PM.03 Active Speaker Review
Nov 30, 2018 · The Fostex has the same preference score as the KEF LS50 (with sub), but the Fostex is surely incapable to play in a living room. I am just pointing out that the currently it seems there is no metrics to indicate this. Well, we have the …
Fostex PM.03 Active Speaker Review
Apr 11, 2020 · Do you mean PM0.3? That is the model reviewed here, PM0.4 is bigger. I find the mini sub2 essential with the PM0.3 as the bass rolls off so fast below 200Hz. You could get that PM0.5 + sub set and sell the PM0.5s to keep the sub, or ask to purchase the sub separately?
Fostex PM.03 Active Speaker Review
Nov 21, 2018 · Small Fostex drivers seem to be capable of high output for the size. A coffee shop near me has this set of horn speakers with Fostex 3" FE83En full-range drivers, and they throw out a surprising amount of sound: Wouldn't call them neutral but they work far better than expected in a large room.
Best compact speakers for near-field listening at a desk under $400?
Dec 27, 2020 · Fostex PM0.3 + PM-SUBmini (3.9 x 7.2 x 5.1) Review (Relaxed Panther award) Kanto YU2 + SUB6 (3.9 x 5.3 x ...
Speakers for the PC setup | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Sep 10, 2024 · Lately, I've been looking at the following setups: Genelec 8010 + a subwoofer of choice, Fostex pm0.3 + a subwoofer of choice (or maybe Fostex PM-SUBmini 2), I was also considering a PA system solution, like the LD systems DAVE 8 or something similar. As a source, I'll be using the PC with the Fiio K5 Pro audio interface that I already have.
Inexpensive Powered Monitors? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Feb 10, 2018 · Fostex PM0.3 : 3.4: 87? Spoiler. LEGEND: Value: Description #1: Best rated-speaker in terms of preference ...
Speaker Size Index - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
May 18, 2020 · As I said in the other tread, too bad more companies don’t utilize AR tech. Now, I don’t expect small companies to do what B&O does, having 3D models with reflectivity and whatnot, but AR scanning shouldn’t be too difficult in this day and age.
Donner Dyna 4 Monitor Review | Page 3 - Page 3 | Audio Science …
Jul 17, 2023 · I've actually had very good experience with Donner. I bought their Arena2000 multieffects modeling guitar pedal and the pedal sounds great - incredible for under $300, and the build quality seems totally solid.
Polk Monitor 40 Series II Review (Speaker)
Feb 13, 2016 · Per Devantier 2002, it was more common for speakers to be 10 and 20 degrees off axis rather than on axis. However the results are heavily skewed by the fact the distribution included center speakers, which were almost entire on