Fostex T900A Top Mount Horn Super Tweeter
Hi-end Fostex Japan! Alnico + magnesium. 8 ohms impedance - Frequency response from 5kHz to 38kHz - 106 dB sensitivity 1w/1m - designed for top-mounting - wood stand included as pictured. Ideal to mate with Fostex full-range cone drivers.
T900A - Fostex
Horn super tweeter with horn made of alnico magnet and special brass alloy. The horn and equalizer are precision-machined from a special brass alloy with low Q, tungsten washers, copper terminals, and a low-distortion magnetic circuit using alnico magnets, etc., to ensure a sound quality that combines speed and precision with power.
Fostex T900A Bullet Style Super Tweeter - diyAudio
Sep 2, 2023 · The Fostex T900A is a well executed and beautiful tweeter with very good objective test data, particularly in the time domain and intermodulation distortion results for the upper treble region.
T900A | Fostex(フォステクス)
Qの低い黄銅系特殊合金を精密切削したホーンとイコライザー、タングステンワッシャー、銅製ターミナル、アルニコマグネット使用の低歪磁気回路など、スピード感と緻密さに力強さを兼ね備えた音質を保有させています。 Media error: Format (s) not supported or source (s) not found. ※本製品は欧州RoHS指令に対応しております。
Fostex T900A - Joseph Crowe
Sep 2, 2023 · The Fostex T900A is an attractive solution for covering upper treble. Care should be taken to high pass filter with the correct frequency and slope. This will help keep intermodulation distortion at bay in the audible band.
Fostex T900A 8 Ohm Horn Super Tweeter | HIFICollective
The Fostex T900A is a horn super tweeter equipped with a horn using a brass-based special alloy for alnico magnets. A horn and equalizer made by precision cutting a special brass alloy with a low Q, a tungsten washer, a copper terminal, and a …
Features ♦Horn Super Tweeter ♦8 ohm impedance ♦5kHz to 38kHz frequency response ♦106dB sensitivity at 1W/1m (3.3ft) ♦3.55kg (7.826 lb) net weight
Tweeter à compression Fostex T900A, 8 ohm, 82 mm
Informations Fostex T900A-8 Tweeter T900A haute fidélité à fort rendement équipé d'un système magnétique alnico, utilisable à partir de 7000 Hz, très fin et encore plus précis à l'écoute grâce à l'égaliseur spécial en laiton
FOSTEX T900A - Fostex Australia
Fostex T900A Top Mount Horn Super Tweeter • 8Ω horn super tweeter• Alnico magnet• 8 ohm impedance• 5kHz to 38kHz frequency response• 106dB sensitivity at 1W/1m (3.3ft)• 3.55kg (7.826 lb) net weight
Fostex Tweeters : T90A, T900A, T500A | Page 2 | diyAudio
Oct 28, 2005 · Has anyone compared the Fostex T900A or T925A to the Coral H100? I'm using the T900A and it replaced the T500 that some years ago replaced my blown Coral H104. The sound of the T500 never was as smooth and relaxed as the Corals but I feel that I got that smoothness back when switching to the T900.