FRA Home
Here’s to USAA celebrating 100 years! We’re proud to partner and support them in serving our military community.
About FRA
FRA is first and foremost a community of the Sea Services; U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel. Service in any of these branches—past or present, for a short time or for the long haul—is your passport to membership in an association that works hard for you and your family on Capitol Hill and in your local community. FRA’s guiding principles are …
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Auxiliary of the FRA
WHO CAN JOIN? Membership in the Auxiliary of the Fleet Reserve Association shall be limited to spouses, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, children, stepchildren and grandchildren not less than 16 years of age of members of the Fleet Reserve Association; and widows, widowers, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, children, stepchildren and grandchildren not less than 16 …
FRA Membership Cap
FRA Service Cap. All FRA members are eligible to wear the Fleet Reserve Association overseas service cap. It is considered part of our uniform of the day for official FRA meetings, military events and national holidays.
FRA Baseball Cap
USA flag/ Navy flag and FRA logo. (Sold out) USA flag/ Coast Guard flag and FRA logo. (Sold out) USA flag/ Marine flag and FRA logo. _____ $15.00 each, inclusive of shipping and handling. _____ $12.00 each, if you order 5 or more. _____ $10.00 each, if you order 15 or more. To order by mail send Check or Money Order made out to: Fleet Reserve ...
4. Add Content: Start posting content relevant to your FRA branch. This can include: 1. Updates on events, meetings, and activities. 2. Photos and videos from past events. 3. Member spotlights.
Branch Information
6710 Pepper Street Capitol Heights, MD 20743-2654 6710 Pepper Street Capitol Heights, MD 20743-2654
ContactInfo - FRA
Have a specific question or comment? FRAtoday and public relations: [email protected], ext. 127 To place a reunion in FRA Today: reunions @fra.org, ext. 123 To order Merchandise & Materials/Ship Store: [email protected] Send questions and …
BENEFITS OF FRA MEMBERSHIP Expert Information Influence in Congress-Imagine a world where your Congressional representatives seek you out for your opinion, and where you are invited