How does Fulgrim get out of his "predicament" at the end of
Jan 3, 2022 · Fulgrim smiled, now recognising the sentience behind the myriad voices and broken-glass reflections. He had been expecting this, and to know with whom he conversed gave him a welcome feeling of brotherhood. Fulgrim sheathed the anathame, now certain it was not the source of the voices.
[Excerpt:Scars]Jaghatai Khan burns Fulgrim. : r/40kLore - Reddit
Apr 16, 2021 · The reply with more of the previous convo is when it's primarily Fulgrim, Mortarion, and Sanguinius speaking, and the first bits that even mention Fulgrim from the Khan's POV is that he thinks the guy is a try hard and can be "irritatingly stupid" with his opinion about Mortarion possibly being jealous of Horus.
Question about Fulgrim : r/40kLore - Reddit
Aug 11, 2021 · Fulgrim starts a theatre act for both legions and during the performance, the assasins score a headshot. Perturabo is shocked, both legions go on the hunt, stuff happens. But of course, the shot isn't fatal (Only a primarch can kill a primarch, is the golden rule apparently), so the rest of the novel happens.
Fulgrim Return : r/40kLore - Reddit
A two headed snake Fulgrim would be pretty rad. He decides to go join the eldar/tau? Wait wtf? Less the Eldar or Tau, but more that there's a lot of scope, both for lore and tabletop, to explore renegade, non-chaos humanity, and Fulgrim, Corax, the Khan and Omegon are all options to build out this 3rd faction.
Anyone else feel like Fulgrim is the only primarch that isn ... - Reddit
Fulgrim has the highest body count of Primarchs, having killed Ferrus and techincally Gorillaman since he had to "die" before being revivied. Not even Russ has a Primarch kill under his belt. Tl, dr, Fulgrims super senses basically let him see his opponents future, he has insane regeneration only second to vulcan, and has 2 Primarch kills under ...
Why do some people think Fulgrim is still possessed?(spoilers)
Feb 18, 2019 · Though i enjoyed Fulgrim the book, looking back now i wish Graham had stuck much closer to the index astartes base where Fulgrim was slowly corrupted after being the first to confront Horus and getting drawn into negotiation. The whole Daemon sword thing would have worked better as a story for an Emperors Children Lord Commander or captain imo.
Just read the Maraviglia scene in "Fulgrim" and now I need a bath.
Dec 9, 2021 · Fulgrim turned his dark eyes upon him, and Julius cried out as he saw an age of darkness within them, galaxies and stars wheeling in their depths as unknown power flowed through him. ‘It’s beautiful,’ said Fulgrim, his voice barely above a whisper, but sounding deafening to Julius as he propelled himself from his seat and fell to his ...
guilliman and Fulgrim : r/40kLore - Reddit
Apr 21, 2022 · With Fulgrim, by the time they had their fight, Fulgrim had already been turned into a huge hentai monster, maybe three times the size of our Spiritual Liege, and had sprouted an extra couple of arms no less!! Coupled with Fulgrim's speed and agility, Roboat basically found himself getting attacked from unexpected angles and got overwhelmed.
Fulgrim, Jaghatai and their future within the setting. : r/40kLore
May 6, 2023 · Fulgrim is gone, his mind is completely broken, what remains in that chaos primarch is just a husk of fulgrim, when the laer daemon gave him clarity of mind after slaying ferrus he lost his shit. we already have confirmation the emperor is now a warp presence, the next primarchs to return are suspected as being the khan and sanguinius, the dark ...
[Spoilers] Book Excerpt: Saturnine - The Praetorian's wrath ... - Reddit
Oct 13, 2020 · Fulgrim surged, and hammered out nine rapid blows, each one a master kill-stroke. Dorn blocked each one. Their blades flew, ringing against each other, drawing sparks. Fulgrim danced backwards. Dorn advanced. Fulgrim wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and smeared blood across his cheek.