The GRE Tests
The GRE General Test is an objective assessment of skills that are critical for success in thousands of graduate, business and law programs worldwide.
Schedule Your GRE General Test - ETS
The GRE General Test is offered 24 hours a day at home and most days of the week at a test center near you. Schedule your test and register for the GRE test today.
The GRE Tests
Take the GRE ® General Test for admission to thousands of graduate, business and law school programs worldwide.
Learn About GRE - ETS
The GRE General Test is accepted by thousands of graduate, business and law schools worldwide. Learn why you should take the GRE General Test.
GRE General Test Registration - ETS
Find out important information about how to register for the GRE General Test including details about the registration process, a Registration Checklist and more.
GRE General Test Structure
The GRE General Test is a computer-delivered test. Its test-taker friendly design lets you skip questions within a section, go back and change answers and have the flexibility to choose …
Prepare for the Test
A Deep Look at the Test. In this free, 2-hour prep session, hear directly from — and ask questions of — the people who make the GRE test! Save Your Seat
Learn About GRE - ETS
The GRE Subject Tests are achievement tests that measure your knowledge and skill level in a particular field of study. They’re intended for students who have an undergraduate major or …
GRE General Test Fees - ETS
ETS offers GRE Fee Reduction Vouchers to U.S. citizens or resident aliens who are college seniors or unenrolled college graduates who meet eligibility requirements and are planning to …
Las pruebas GRE - ETS
La prueba general de GRE es una evaluación objetiva de las habilidades que son fundamentales para el éxito en miles de programas de posgrado, negocios y derecho en todo el mundo.