Beware Of The GT Knot (Don’t Make This Mistake!) - Salt Strong
Sep 25, 2020 · The real GT knot from the study includes a bimini twist, but none of those videos do. When I tied one of those false GT knots and tested it against the FG knot, it was 80% weaker than the FG knot! So watch out for those videos claiming the GT knot is the strongest.
The Best Fishing Knots Of All Time [Ranked Strongest To Weakest]
May 13, 2018 · To help save you time in testing knots, I’ll be displaying results from my continued testing on this page. Best of all, the individual fishing knots will be ranked based on their strength & performance results for the following knot connection categories:
GT Knot vs. FG Knot: Head To Head Knot Strength Experiment
Sep 9, 2020 · The GT knot is basically a uni knot on the braid side and a figure eight knot on the mono side. Both of those knots are weaker than the FG knot, so I had a hunch the GT knot wouldn’t be as strong as the FG knot.
Why the GT Knot is My New Go-To and Why the FG Knot Is Not
Jan 5, 2025 · Discover why the GT Knot became my go-to after testing the FG and Double Uni knots. Learn about knot strength, ease of tying, and fishing efficiency.
Strongest Fishing Knots Connecting Braid to Leader
Apr 3, 2024 · For heavier braid (50-pound tied to 80-pound fluoro), here are the four strongest knots, in order. GT Knot — 100 Percent Break Strength. Tied by Chad Nisely of Painesville, Ohio
How to Tie the GT Knot - Ranked Strongest Braid to Mono ... - YouTube
Learn to tie your "new" favorite knot with The Fisherman's New England edition editor Dave Anderson as he describes how GT Knot in detail, and how provides a simple braid-to-mono connection...
How to tie the GT knot/the best braid to mono solution
Mar 23, 2022 · I have always relied upon a back to back uni for joining mono leaders to braid but this knot is quicker, easier, stronger & smaller. I was impressed. Take a look.
GT Knot - Actual Version - How To Tie - Toit Fishing
How to tie an GT Knot – Actual Version. Unfortunatlyy this knot has slipped past the way side over the past 10 years or so where its baby sibling has taken all the glory, however this knot is on a whole other level and surely has the potential to be one of the strongest knots to tie.
Knot sure - FG or GT knot - Fishing Chat - DECKEE Community
Apr 14, 2020 · A few days ago I got a smug sounding phone call from him telling me that there is a stronger knot than the FG called the GT knot and sent me the following link with an explanation of the background and how to tie it.
GT knot - World Sea Fishing Forums
Jun 18, 2020 · I know that most anglers who fish the bigger Palegic and other destination fish tie the FG knot and it’s recognised as one of the best or the best knot to tie Braid/Mono. has anyone used this or tied it for stuff like Cubara/GT/smaller Tuna/