Logo GA ČR ke stažení - Grantová agentura České republiky
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The Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
GACR is the only institution in the Czech Republic that provides public funding exclusively for basic research projects. MORE INFORMATION
Pro média - Grantová agentura České republiky
Logo GA ČR ke stažení. GA ČR barevná/černobílá varianta (*AI, *EPS) GA ČR barevná/černobílá varianta_EN (*AI / *EPS) Uvedené přílohy jsou zabalené ve formátu *ZIP
Government Autonomous College, Rourkela :: Government …
Our mission is to achieve accademic excellence and to make this premier institution a centre of quality learning by training the students to be creative and competitive enough to face the challenges of the New-Millennium.
Czech Science Foundation - Wikipedia
The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) was established in 1993 as an independent public organisation supporting basic research in the Czech Republic. [1] On the basis of calls for proposals and a public competition, the Czech Science Foundation provides financial support for both experienced and young and early-stage researchers.
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Title: GACR-Logo Created Date: 3/24/2016 2:09:03 PM
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Z bezpečnostních důvodů se po ukončení práce odhlašte a zavřete všechna okna prohlížeče! Jazyk. English Česky
GA CR – Science and Research – Prague University of Economics …
The Czech Science Foundation – GA CR (Grantová agentura České republiky) is a grant agency which supports the entire range of basic research in the Czech Republic. The main function of the GACR is to provide, through public tender, financial support for research projects submitted by individuals or organizations.
About Us | Georgia Association of College Republicans
The Georgia Association of College Republicans (GACR) is the largest student-led, statewide political conservative organization in the State of Georgia. We represent the interests of 20 College Republican chapters and thousands of students on Georgia’s college campuses.
GACR – The Czech Science Foundation | Institute of geotechnics
The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is an independent public organisation supporting basic research throughout all scientific fields from public funds. GACR is the only institution in the Czech Republic, which provides public funding exclusively for basic research projects.
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