Galaxian or Galaga? Actual opinions, not a poll.
Apr 2, 2009 · Galaxian is too repetitive, and I get bored after clearing a few levels. My love for Galaga led me to restoring a Gaplus (way better looking colorful cabinet IMHO) and of course, I have a multi-switcher in there housing, Galaxian, Galaga, Gaplus and Galaga '88 (now my favorite out of all of them).
Galaxian Multigame from Macro's Arcade | Museum of the Game ...
Mar 21, 2003 · That's the issue... most of those games *don't* run on galaxian hardware... they run off scramble/super cobra hardware, which has an extra sound CPU and some AY3-8910s for effects (vs. the very simple discrete PSG that galaxian uses), so a lot of them 'play' but can't sound anywhere near correct.
Four Play Galaxian 4 in 1 Kit - Museum of the Game Forums
Dec 12, 2006 · I played Galaxian Part X and Exodus for first time last night. Part X is insane. The galaxians split apart, fly off screen, and your missile shot is so fast it totally messes with you. I think I like regular Galaxian the best and then Super Galaxian where the Galaxians are faster but the Missile shot seems normal.
Galaxian Rapid Fire... - Museum of the Game Forums
Oct 18, 2006 · the bad guys do have a certain "behavior" that can be figured out. i'm finally to the point of where i get around 20k every game but that took me a while to get there. when i first got my galaxian, one of my friends came over to play. he is a mathematician who used to do acid fairly often. he scored around 24 or 28k in his FIRST game.
Galaxian PCB Trouble Shooting | Museum of the Game®
Mar 21, 2016 · Repairing a Galaxian PCB. The board was totally dead when I started. Had to replace several of the 7474 Rams. This is the screen I get now. Does this look like a video issue are a ROM issue? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Can you identify this Galaxian PCB Modification?
Jul 8, 2007 · The ROM sockets that the four ROM daughterboard is in look like they suck. I need to read through some Galaxian information to see what some common board problems are. I'm just guessing those sockets are suspect just like a pac board with the …
Galaxian daughterboard bypass with no physical board …
Nov 6, 2006 · Galaxian daughterboard bypass with no physical board modifications hack yesterday I decided to start going through a bunch of galaxian boards I got for cheap. Most of these boards are missing the daughter board so I wanted to make an easy way to bypass the daughter board. The first thing I...
Galaxian Part II Bootleg (not in MAME) | Museum of the Game ...
Jun 13, 2020 · I received the PCB and have started testing. It uses a Namco Galaxian pinout. I dumped the ROMs (five on a Galaxian-style daughterboard). Romident identifies ROMS 1-3 and 5 as galap4 (Galaxian Part 4). ROM 4 is unidentified. I uploaded the ROMs here. Part 2 looks closer to the original Galaxian than Part 4.
I saw a Galaxian3 today. Holy cow, how can we save this thing? Do …
May 13, 2017 · If you want a more hands-on 3D type game like the Galaxian Theater stuff, StarLuster (Famicom) plays like an enhanced version of Atari's Star Raiders. Star Ixiom (PlayStation - Japan and Europe only) is an enhancement of StarLuster that includes ships and enemies from Galaxian, Galaga, Bosconian, StarLuster, and StarBlade and is the first game ...
Galaxian PCB troubleshooting | Museum of the Game®
Apr 15, 2009 · I used my PROM burner to compare two sets of AUX PCB PROMs (to MAME sets) and even burned a new set. However, the two Galaxian boards don't show more than a screen full of "H"s or "8"s, depending on which AUX PCB I use (not any graphics of any kind or anything before this is displayed). It pulses quickly, so I assume the watchdog is resetting it.