Gandalf | Tolkien Wiki
Aug 14, 2019 · Gandalf went to Rohan in the hope to find a strong and healthy horse. This was the time he first met Shadowfax, the lord of horses. They developed a special bond quickly. …
What exactly does Narya do for Gandalf? - The Tolkien Forum
Aug 20, 2001 · Gandalf's staff shattered as well as the bridge when the power was released at the Balrog's attempt to pass; and when the Balrog dragged Gandalf down after him, he was not …
Gandalf vs. Witch-King | The Tolkien Forum
Jan 8, 2009 · Gandalf was a Maia, or former maia, and Witchy was a man with a weird ring. Mike Beowulf's lost son-in-law.
Who/What is Gandalf really? | The Tolkien Forum
Mar 27, 2004 · Gandalf - like Galadriel - was a later addition to "Tolkien's Legendarium", his name - like most of the names for the Dwarves in The Hobbit - is "borrowed" from the Volospá, part …
Gandalf overstepping his bounds? - The Tolkien Forum
Apr 27, 2002 · Gandalf speaking to Bilbo about leaving his ring behind: The Fellowship of the Ring; A Long-Expected Party Gandalf looked again very hard at Bilbo, and there was a gleam …
Gandalf - Strategy?? | The Tolkien Forum
Jan 4, 2002 · Gandalf also accomplishes the victory at Helm's Deep by running all over the place co-ordinating & gathering forces. He lifts the spirits of the men of Gondor just by going around …
Radagast | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 28, 2020 · Bilbo Baggins asked Gandalf if there were other wizards in Middle-earth, to which Gandalf mentioned Radagast, his first mention in the film. He was one of the five wizards that …
Was Gandalf ever born? - The Tolkien Forum
Nov 24, 2002 · Gandalf and the other 4 Wizards were Maiar (immortal angelic beings), similar to the Valar (the gods) but of a lesser order. They were never really born, rather they were the …
Flame of Anor | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 24, 2020 · Alternatively, through this declaration, Gandalf may have referred to the Ring of Fire, Narya that he possessed and wore but it is unlikely that Gandalf would reveal the …
Gandalf and his ring - The Tolkien Forum
May 19, 2005 · Gandalf would have had no reason to conceal it from a fellow member of the Council (until he began to mistrust him). If so, Gandalf seems to have been able or allowed to …