The story behind one of Karate’s most famous kata - MaArtial
The Gekisai kata of Goju-Ryu Karate are among of the most familiar forms in martial arts – even if you’ve never heard of Gekisai or Goju-Ryu, you’ve probably seen these forms in practice. …
Goju-Ryu Kata - Gekisai Dai Ichi - Black Belt Wiki
This page will help you to learn the Goju-Ryu kata – Gekisai Dai Ichi. This is the first kata for Goju-Ryu Karate. The meaning of Gekisai Dai Ichi is “Attack & Destroy One”. For details on …
Gōjū-ryū - Wikipedia
Gōjū-ryū (剛柔流), Japanese for "hard-soft style", is one of the main traditional Okinawan styles of karate, featuring a combination of hard and soft techniques. Gō, which means hard, refers to …
Fukyugata - Wikipedia
Fukyugata is the name of a kata practiced in many styles of Okinawan karate, particularly in the Matsubayashi-ryu school of Shorin-ryu, as well as Goju-ryu, where they are termed Gekisai.
Kaizen Gōjūkan (IKGA) | Gōjū-ryū Kata - gojukan.org
Gekisai means "attack and destroy". These kata were created around 1940 by Chōjun Miyagi and Shōshin Nagamine as beginners' kata , to introduce the basic forms of karate ( kihon ) to …
12 Gojuryu Katas - Shobugei Ryu Karate Do
The Gekisai Kata were formulated by Chojun Miyagi Sensei in 1940 as a form of physical exercise for high school boys and to help popularize Goju-Ryu among the public of Okinawa. In 1948, …
Goju-Ryu Bunkai - Gekisai Dai Ichi - Black Belt Wiki
This page provides details for bunkai used with the Goju-Ryu kata – Gekisai Dai Ichi. For other bunkai videos and instructions, please visit the main Goju-Ryu Bunkai section. Bunkai is a …
Goju-Ryu Kata
Gekisai Dai Ichi is a kata that emphasizes powerful and straightforward techniques, as well as the fundamental principles of stance, balance, and coordination. It is designed to teach …
Gekisai is derived from the characters Geki - 撃, meaning to fight, attack or strike, and Sai - 塞, meaning to smash or break. The name reflects to the period in history when they were …
Goju-Ryu Kata - Gekisai Dai Ni - Black Belt Wiki
This page will help you to learn Goju-Ryu Kata – Gekisai Dai Ni. This is the second kata for Goju-Ryu Karate. Gekisai Dai Ni is known as “Attack & Destroy Two”.
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