️ Glamdring | Tolkien Wiki - The Tolkien Forum
May 27, 2020 · In the movies, Glamdring doesn't have its signature light in it. Its significance is shown in Gandalf and Balrog's duel. It was effortless when it pierced through Balrog's body. With its use, Gandalf can summon lightning attacks, which eventually led to the defeat of the Balrog. The inscriptions of Glamdring were in Elven language runes.
How did the Great Goblin recognize Glamdring and Orcrist?
Jan 21, 2016 · Glamdring belonged to Turgon, the King of Gondolin - who is actually Elrond's great-grandfather - so it would be reputed by that alone. But also, the Fall of Gondolin was truly an epic battle, with numerous dragons and balrogs facing various Noldor elven heroes.
tolkiens legendarium - Why doesn't Elrond care about Glamdring ...
Glamdring has no special significance as far as the war against Sauron is concerned. He probably is personally interested in it, but it just doesn't help solve the current problem. Narsil on the other hand is mentioned in the prophecy given to Boromir.
tolkiens legendarium - Did Gandalf know the origin of "Glamdring ...
Mar 12, 2017 · This, Gandalf, was Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore. Keep them well!" Keep them well!" Glamdring was therefore originally owned by Turgon, king of Gondolin, and the "Goblin-wars" were the battles of the Elves of Beleriand against Morgoth, most likely in the case the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, since it was the only time ...
Glamdring and Sting - The Tolkien Forum
Dec 26, 2001 · The entry for "Glamdring" in Robert Foster's Complete Guide to Middle Earth states that "Glamdring shone with a blue light in the presence of orcs." The entry for " Sting " in J E A Tyler's Complete Tolkien Companion states: "Like all Elf-blades, Sting gleamed with a cold blue light if any servants of the Enemy were nigh at hand . . . ."
tolkiens legendarium - Did Gandalf continue to wield Glamdring ...
Jun 23, 2017 · He carries Glamdring... In The Two Towers, Gandalf names his sword when asked to surrender it at Edoras: 'Come, come!' said Gandalf. 'We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel. My errand is pressing. Here at least is my sword, goodman Háma. Keep it well.
glamdring and orcrist | The Tolkien Forum
Oct 23, 2002 · Glamdring isn't mentioned again until long afterwards. Gandalf must have kept it as he climbed the Endless Stair, and perhaps used it in the Battle of the Peak to finally destroy Durin's Bane . What isn't clear, though is how it survived Gandalf's destruction and re-embodiment - he says explicitly 'naked I was sent back'.
️ Orcrist | Tolkien Wiki
May 25, 2020 · Thorin and his company found Orcrist along with Glamdring when they ventured into the cave of the trolls. Gandalf was amongst them during the discovery. Afterward, it was brought to Rivendell, where Elrond identified it as an elven sword, forged by the elves of Gondolin. Thorin, at the time, made an oath to honor the sword and took it.
Why didn't Gandalf identify the troll's swords?
Jun 22, 2023 · They must have come from a dragon’s hoard or goblin plunder, for dragons and goblins destroyed that city many ages ago. This, Thorin, the runes name Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver in the ancient tongue of Gondolin; it was a famous blade. This, Gandalf, was Glamdring the Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore. Keep them well!
Why did Gandalf use a sword against the Balrog?
Aug 10, 2019 · "This, Gandalf, was Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore." The Hobbit. Durin's Bane vs Gandalf. It's also explicitly mentioned that Gandalf did use Glamdring against the Balrog. 'We fought far under the living earth, where time is not counted. Ever he clutched me, and ever I hewed him, till at last he fled into dark tunnels ...