Gomora - Ultraman Wiki | Fandom
Reionic Burst Gomora (レイオニックバーストゴモラ, Reionikku Bāsuto Gomora) is an evolved form that Gomora receives in the Ultra Galaxy NEO series. Burst mode is a powered form that presumably only a Gomora owned by a Reionics can achieve, created when their master gives into their Reiblood nature.
Reionic Burst - Ultraman Wiki
Reionic Burst was first accessed by Rei's Gomora when Reimon gave in to his anger, causing him to obtain Burst Mode as a result. This was due to an Alien Nackle Reionics using his Galberos to trick Rei and his Gomora into fighting Zetton's illusion endlessly, earning their wrath.
Rei's Gomora | Ultraman Wiki | Fandom
Reionic Burst Gomora. Main article: Reionic Burst. In the beginning of the Ultra Galaxy NEO series, Rei began to experiences mental burst of rage and adrenaline that drives him and Gomora into fighting. These anger outbursts had Gomora worried about his partner, which lead to his evolution into Burst Mode.
Rei's Gomora | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
In the beginning of the series, Rei experiences mental burst of rage and adrenaline that drives him and Gomora into fighting. These anger outbursts gain him and Gomora is worry about his partner this evolution form was unstable. An worried Gomora becomes Reionic Burst Gomora.
Bandai 6 Inch Reionyx Burst Gomora Figure Review! - YouTube
Jul 23, 2014 · On this video, I will review the Ultra Galaxy NEO monster, Reionyx Burst Gomora from Bandai. This figure/monster was requested to be reviewed by most of the audience, so here is the review!...
Rei's Gomora | Ultraman Wiki | Fandom
Reionic Burst Gomora. Statistics. Height: 40 m; Weight: 20,000 t; Abilities. Reionic Burst Gomora possesses all of Gomora's powers. However due to the burst of energy Rei possessed once he acquired his Burst Mode, the strength of Gomora's attacks are now greatly enhanced as well.
Gomora - Ultraman Wiki
Mebius managed to recover too and after he transformed into his Burning Brave mode, Gomora was soon destroyed by the combined power of his Mebium Burst and GUYS's Invincible Phoenix Discharge. Despite Gomora's death however, Gadiba still lived on, returning to his master with its task completed...
Respect Rei's Gomora: Ultraman : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Feb 9, 2017 · Gomora is a brutish and hot blooded kaiju, specializing in melee combat and possessing a beam attacked called the Super Oscillatory Wave. Gomora would serve Rei faithfully, eventually unlocking a transformation known as EX Gomora and then another one called Reionic Burst Gomora. EX Gomora, however, is still more powerful than Reionic Burst Gomora.
Gomora | GODZILLA: Kaiju Wars Unleashed Wiki | Fandom
Strength: Gomora is a monster with immense strength, enough to knock back Ultras and throw heavy objects. Brave Burst: A momentary power boost which allows Gomora's strength to drastically increase. EX Transformation: Rei can command Gomora to transform into its EX form.
GOMORA - Kaijumatic
Description: Infused with evil Reiblood energy, Gomora transforms into Reionic Burst Gomora and turns against his Ultra masters, with some gentle prodding by Ultraman Belial, of course. Fight the power!
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