GTA 2 - GTAForums
Nov 15, 2002 · Forum dedicated to Grand Theft Auto 2, a sequel to the first GTA, released in 1999.
FrontendFix for GTA2 - Scripts & Plugins - GTAForums
Mar 23, 2023 · Info: FrontendFix is a plugin that improves and makes you enjoy GTA2 on modern machines. Compatibility: Compatible only with GTA2 Requires latest WidescreenFix Features: UI changes: New settings menu page based on the PlayStation release of the game.
thirteenag's GTA2 widescreen fix - GTA 2 - GTAForums
May 10, 2017 · GTA2 belongs to the latter, its not designed to take advantage of modern systems, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, as the gameplay is already fast, and we don't want it to hit more than 35 or 39 ideally (still better than the game's own 30FPS default.
GTA2 Cheats (PS1/PC) - GTA 2 - GTAForums
Nov 15, 2002 · GTA2 Power Manager/registry file is the easiest way to use cheats on PC and most powerful. I haven't tried the playstation GTA2 debug cheat for a long time, maybe it doesn't do much since there is no keyboard.
GTA 2 - Videomode 16x16x16 is not available (Windows 11 error)
Jan 27, 2022 · Okay. So i just installed 11.44 and the music files. Problem is the game keeps freezing every 5 seconds. And since it overrides all tabs.
GTA2 Radar backport from GTA3 - Scripts & Plugins - GTAForums
Mar 23, 2023 · This is a backport of GTA3's radar mini map to GTA2, made thanks to re3 project. Some changes have been made in order to make it work correctly in GTA2 but the base code is still the same. Compatiblity: Compatible only with GTA2 Features: Full Map for each districts and bonus levels. Shows mission blips from gangs, churches, garages.
How to play GTA or GTA2 on Xbox? - GTA 2 - GTAForums
Sep 26, 2022 · Is there any possible way to play either GTA1 or GTA2 on Xbox Series X? I miss playing these top down games, but prefer console (I also only own a Mac), and it would be great to have it so accessible alongside my other regular modern games.
GTA2 player strafe & mouse look/aim - GTA 2 - GTAForums
Aug 7, 2017 · No one had any idea of adding to player controls strafe walking and rotating / aiming with the mouse? At the forum gtamp, there were several messages on this topic, but quite a few people are against it, because It will give a significant advantage in multiplayer. Some people reported that they k...
GTA 1/GTA 2 Direct IP multiplayer guide - GTA - GTAForums
May 22, 2022 · I put this together for my own reference, but I thought others might find it useful. This guide is for players who want to play multiplayer in GTA 1 and GTA 2 over Direct IP using TCP/IP. There are other excellent solutions like a VPN (Hamachi or Radmin for example), but for anyone who wants to s...
GTA2 freezes - GTA 2 - GTAForums
Sep 28, 2014 · My GTA2 freezes when I play. Sounds freezes also and process is not responding and I have to kill it. I tried XP compatability mode, running as administrator, running in window mode, running with 16 bit screen mode, running on 1 core.