Heckler & Koch HK21 - Wikipedia
The HK21 is a German 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun, developed in 1961 by small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch and based on the G3 battle rifle. The weapon is in use with the armed forces of several Asian, African and Latin American countries.
Heckler Koch HK G8 Sniper Rifle (Germany) - Modern Firearms
The Heckler Koch HK G8 sniper rifle originally retained a detachable magazine housing of the HK 11E1 machine gun, which could be replaced with a belt feed unit from the same weapon. However, this feature was deemed unnecessary for a police weapon and was abandoned in the HK G8A1 sniper rifle variant.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 - Military Factory
Feb 14, 2022 · HK21A1 - General Purpose Machine Gun; simplified production model; revised feed mechanism; increased weight; carrying handle; hooked-style buttstock; magazine and belt feed.
H&K G8 - Wikipedia
H&K G8 は、 ドイツ の ヘッケラー&コッホ (H&K)社が開発した 軽機関銃 あるいは 自動小銃 である。 G8(Gewehr 8, 8号小銃)は、 ドイツ連邦軍 及び 連邦国境警備隊 (後の 連邦警察)による採用時の制式名称で、 H&K 社における製品名は HK11。 HK11は、同社が G3 小銃 を原型に開発した HK21 機関銃 シリーズの一つで、 ベルト給弾 と 弾倉 給弾を併用していたHK21からベルト給弾機構を省略し、銃身を短縮したモデルである。 弾倉はG3小銃と共有することが可 …
HK21 - Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
The G8A1 is a Bundeswehr and Bundespolizei designation of the Heckler & Koch HK11. The HK21, HK21E, HK23E and G8A1 are categorized as light machine guns in the Rainbow Six universe.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
HK G8A1 / G8A1 Rifle - Based on HK 11A1 model; magazine and drum feeder. HK GR-6 - HK 13 based automatic rifle; no serial number and visor; optical sight; wood and desert camouflage pattern.
HK 21 | Weaponsystems.net
The HK 21 is the original production version. The HK 21A1 features a new stock with buffer, a carrying handle and a revised feed tray. The HK 21E is the latest model with longer receiver, longer barrel, adjustable bipod, burst fire option and two stage feed mechanism.
Heckler & Koch HK21 - AcademiaLab
La HK21 es una ametralladora alemana de uso general de 7,62 mm, desarrollada en 1961 por el fabricante de armas pequeñas Heckler & Koch y basada en el fusil de combate G3. El arma se utiliza en las fuerzas armadas de varios países asiáticos, africanos y latinoamericanos.
HK G8A1 - YouTube
Oct 6, 2014 · Test-firing the G8A1 clone with a registered trigger pack.
H&K HK21 - 나무위키
일단 주요 기관부는 H&K G3 의 구조와 동일하며, 사용탄도 7.62mm로 호환되기에 G3를 사용하는 병사들이 쉽게 적응이 가능하다. 즉 좋게 말하면 G3을 다루던 병사가 적응하기 쉽고 나쁘게 말하면 HK의 주특기인 우려먹기 시리즈 중 하나... 독일 연방군 내에서도 어느정도 채용되었고, 여러 특수전 목적으로 NASA의 무장 비상 대응팀같은 특수부대들도 사용했으며, 멕시코, 포르투갈, 태국, 그리스 등등 해외 수출 실적은 상당히 있는 편이다.