What is an HK P46? | HKPRO Forums
Oct 9, 2010 · The HK P46 (first called the UCP - Ultimate Combat Pistol) was/is a 4.6x30mm handgun firing the same family of ammo as developed for the HK MP7A1 PDW. The P46 …
What is an HK P46? | Page 5 - HKPRO Forums
May 15, 2002 · -I conducted NLT 200 live-fire demos and briefings on the gun, some well before most ever heard of the HK PDW and supported various US Govt tests and user evals on the …
Hk P46 ucp? | HKPRO Forums
May 28, 2008 · P46 Status I asked and learned at the IWA Show this year that it is still in development and the Germany Army is still interested. Likely be finished in 2009. A lot harder …
What is an HK P46? | Page 3 | HKPRO Forums
Nov 3, 2007 · hkpro informational forums. hk handgun talk. what is an hk p46?
HK UCP (Ultimate Combat Pistol) P-46 | HKPRO Forums
Nov 6, 2007 · HK has the MP7 (sub-gun) and the UCP (pistol) both chambered in HK's 4.6mm round. Only thing is the MP7 isn't sold to civillians, so I doubt the UCP ever will be either. HK …
P46 Questions | HKPRO Forums
Jul 7, 2014 · The P46 is cool conceptually. Did they ever in fact produce a compact version of this? Also, in their testing did a P46 compact perform adequately? Reason...
HK License Plates Part 2: Random HK License Plates
Jan 2, 2023 · The HK P46 UCP was designed to be the handgun counterpart of the MP7. Both were chambered in 4.6x30mm. This was HK's response to the 5.7x28mm FN P90 PDW and …
Old HK Webshop Pictures | HKPRO Forums
Mar 21, 2012 · I found a little interesting thing while I was surfing the webshop today. HK keeps most of the old items pictures on their server with an item number. If...
SOCOM and a new pistol. | HKPRO Forums
Jun 11, 2009 · Fact is they need to look at pistols and pistol ammo that can defeat modern Level III body armor like the Russian GS-18 and Gyurza, and the HK P46 or FiveSeven, due to the …
WTB: Hk P-46 ucp | HKPRO Forums
Apr 29, 2020 · Come join the discussion about HK pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more!